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  1. K

    kanikedude03 - 2020 Glog

    Seeds for 2020 Grow
  2. K

    yellow trinidad cherry peppers?

    Anyone here grown yellow trinidad cherry peppers before? These don't look like the ones I see when I searched online. Just looking for some advice from anyone with prior experience.    
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    Ghost Peppers turning mustard color

    I did some searching on the internet before posting here. I can't find any ghost pepper varieties that are a mustard color, but I seem to have some. These have been on the vine for a long time and I don't have much faith that they are going to turn any other color. Anyone seen something like...
  4. K

    Today's harvest

    Many types here. Carolina reaper, red ghost, chocolate ghost, yellow fatalii, lemon lime scorpion, unknown lemon lime scorpion variant, peach habaneros, orange habaneros, various Caribbean habaneros, orange Thais, boonies, tiny Thais, purple Thais (ripened to red), red Thais, bahamian...
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    Any way to tell if these are Chocolate Ghosts or Chocolate Habaneros (or something else)

    Any way to tell if these are Chocolate Ghosts or Chocolate Habaneros (or something else)? These are some seeds that I got in a "super hot mix" pack. I'm excited that I'm getting to try a bunch of different peppers but it's really hard to tell what's what when seeds don't come labeled.
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    Does anyone here know if there such thing as a "chocolate scorpion"?

    Seeds were labeled as lemon lime scorpion from peppers by mail. They look to be the correct shape but the wrong color. They've set on the vine for quite a while and I don't think they will turn from their current color. I've left a bunch on just in case it's me not being patient, but wondering...
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    Orange pepper of some sort

    So I bought this mystery mix from tradewinds:   The odd thing is that these aren't that hot (at least the 2 I've picked thus far). I mean they have a little heat, but definitely are not on par with a typical habanero, so...
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    Hello,   It says I need to introduce myself before posting. Just an amateur pepper grower here. 