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  1. OzzyRulez

    pests Lots of bugs and not sure what they are!

    Hey guys I was wondering if any of you know what these are and if they are bad. All of my pepper plants are covered in them. I don't want to kill them if they are beneficial but there are so many I'm worred as to what they actually are! There are literally hundreds of them spread among my 6...
  2. OzzyRulez

    My New Years Eve haul :D

    I've managed to keep the frost from killing off my plants so far this winter. Luckily it has been really mild here in North East Florida. I got a great haul of Datil, a few Ghost and a few Serrano as well. A few Datil's think they are Scorpions lol
  3. OzzyRulez

    Pepper ID help.

    I moved out of Florida for a while. While I was gone my dad took it upon himself to keep growing peppers for me even though he doesn't eat them. He grew these and has no idea what they are. I can say they are pretty dang hot. Not quite Bhut hot but definitely will give a good strong hab a run...
  4. OzzyRulez

    Help identifying pepper

    This is my first year growing Ghost and Red Savina. I have what I believed to be 3 Ghost started from seeds that I pulled from fresh peppers. I planted them in a row. However 1 of them is different, I'm wondering if I got a Red Savina plant mixed up with a Ghost but I'm not entirely sure. I...
  5. OzzyRulez

    Hi from Florida

    Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Gary and I live in Keystone Heights Florida. I've been growing peppers for a few years now, mainly for making my own sauces. I joined the forum to ask a question but I figured I'll probably hang around too so I figured I'd at least introduce myself...