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    Seed Stalkig for 2017 season?

    In beginning I want to tone down, but I end up want to grow around 95 varieties with one plant per varieties with every possible color in the superhot categories.   chocolate nagabrains strain 1 and 2 or nagareaper
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    auction Wild Charipita Auction ~closed~

    I'll take it if no one want it, 20.
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    vendor TexasHotPeppers

    Order from Texashotpeppers twice in a roll, box arrived very fast, box are quite big and cheap for the varieties and effort putting into growing and labeling, next time i rather buying the pod and extract seed from it than buying the seed themselves. Thank you.   
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    I order from them as well, some were off phenotype, couple of bumpy looking and few are smooth, I was able to extract seed from them, I will try to germinate them and will see till next years. from what I look at, what they sell to us were scrap.
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    Ripe Gator Jigsaw

    can anyone tell me about this variety? I try to look it up but couldn't find anything. What cross made this variety and is it supper hot or hot?
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    Let see, if I buy the pod, then extract the seed then grow it indoor during the winter, and transplant next years, but the pods from the seed is for my personal use, doing all this violated the contract? if that is the case why offer the pepper anyway? Please correct me if I am wrong. I am not...
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    Aji Chaparita

    Thank you, the seed for Charapita is fine.  
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    Aji Chaparita

    PM To you thank you, hopefully I can get my brother in law off my back. Just a question of thought, is wild Brazil and yellow jelly bean from puckerbutt the same variety with aji charapita?
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    Aji Chaparita

    Peter, can I have a SFRB of that one, or fill up with other things you have to made a full box, I just order the peach version from PuckerButt, hopefully I have the yellow or red version.
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    $25k per kilo, most expensive pepper in the world

    my brother in law saw this article and now he want me to grow them for him, the problem is I don't know where is the reliable source for the seed.
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    Aji Chaparita

    Anyone in here have the seed for Aji Chaparita red or yellow varieties? If so how much would they be.   oops wrong forum
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    Any idea?

    if pepperjoe that bad, why would anyone still buy seed from him?
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