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  1. G

    New member, some questions, help fill in the blanks maybe?

    Thanks to everyone who contributed, seriously.    I attempted to research Bhut sauce recipies here, but they generally included 3 other peppers and a days worth of errands of ingredients (I'm exaggerating a bit).   Anyway I found a pressure canner (I am under the impression fermenting is the...
  2. G

    health White spots on Bhuts

    Sorry, I can't figure out how to post pictures. I'm not talking about obvious insect damage, but ripe red peppers developing white splotches mostly toward the stem. All I've found is it can be a sign of over watering, but any help would be awesome. 
  3. G

    New member, some questions, help fill in the blanks maybe?

    Ok, Ph tester has been ordered. Fermented sauces will definitely be next on the list, but seeing my first very ripe Bhutes demands a sauce or salsa now. I read up on pressure canning on low ph foods etc. Three hopefully final questions for this thread.    1) can water bath canned sauces of 4 or...
  4. G

    New member, some questions, help fill in the blanks maybe?

    I appreciate very much the responses so far. Any recommendations on ph meters? I know temperature will play a role in the readings if they aren't calibrated for it. I'm also looking for a sauce that will keep a month or two in the fridge. I understand canned tomatoes are less acidic than fresh...
  5. G

    New member, some questions, help fill in the blanks maybe?

    So, long story short, I enjoy hot food like everyone here. I got tired of hot sauces using extracts due to the extract taste and my wife was thoughtful enough to buy me a hot sauce making kit. The peppers included were lower in heat than I'd hoped and in the meantime I bought a bhut jolokia...