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  1. M

    Tomato plants

    Thanks ChileMan. I'm going to check them out. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  2. M

    Tomato plants

    Anyone have a good reputable source for ordering some tomato plants? I'm looking for san marzano for sauce and canning, and maybe beefsteak for slicing. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  3. M

    Your best growing medium...

    I really don't mean to hijack this thread, but why not just good ol earth? Obviously if you live in an area where soil quality is terrible it's not the best option, but that's all I've ever used. Can you really see drastic improvements from using storebought products? Am I missing out, or just...
  4. M

    indoor Indoor growing on the cheap

    I had to laugh at myself for that one. Good call makarky. Don't know why I overlooked that option. I'll do that when I get home Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk
  5. M

    indoor Indoor growing on the cheap

    photo update! The hot banana/wax pepper bonchi is chugging along nicely and has already set and thrown out a nice looking pod. The orange habanero has been struggling to set a pod but I have faith that it's only a matter of time before it does. Both plants have been budding like crazy, but I...
  6. M

    Hot peppers in oil

    Thanks salsa lady! I may have to give that a try. The style of peppers I'm talking about though, requires fresh cut peppers much like you would for pickling. It's an Italian tradition, and a big part of mealtime here in northeast ohio. I guess I should be asking how I should go about canning...
  7. M

    Hot peppers in oil

    It's funny, I live a short jump from youngstown ohio, and there are two things I hear from friends who have moved out of state. First is "I went to a wedding last month and there was no cookie table!?" Second "I can't find a restaurant by me that serves homemade peppers in oil!?" I even stumbled...
  8. M

    Hot peppers in oil

    Buzzing through here, I see a lot of posts about pickling peppers. I don't know if it's a regional/cultural thing, but here in my area, jarring them in oil and seasonings seems to be more popular. I usually make mine fresh, in small batches to avoid spoiling, but I'd like to have them year...
  9. M

    Who's got the oldest pepper plant!?

    I guess another wrinkle is location. If you've got the climate to keep em growing outside year long, how are you doing it? Are they in the ground, or potted up? Do you prune? Nutes? This concept is intriguing to me. I know if I lived in a climate the allowed, I would be the guy with pepper...
  10. M

    Who's got the oldest pepper plant!?

    Looks to be about 75-80 years old with those sunglasses! Did you bring it inside on its rascal scooter? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk
  11. M

    Who's got the oldest pepper plant!?

    So there's another chinense, albeit a cross with frutescens. All plants have fairly small pods. In my head I figured I'd see alot of people keeping the bigger heartier annuum's, like bells and wax peppers, alive longer. I'd love to see someone with a decade old tree going in the front yard...
  12. M

    Who's got the oldest pepper plant!?

    Anyone have pictures? I'm really curious to see what varieties stand out as the strongest survivors. Looks like we have 3 chinense and a pubescens. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk
  13. M

    Who's got the oldest pepper plant!?

    I only realized this year that peppers are perennials. In my neck of the woods I never came across anyone who over wintered, and quite frankly, I'm the only individual I know (personally) who's doing it. Of course, now I need to know who's got plants that have been kickin butt and takin names...
  14. M

    Peppers in the north

    Off topic, but seeing you're from pontiac, I gotta ask. Ever check out the dream cruise or roadkill nights events? On topic, I'm in North East ohio. I left one plant in the ground and it is still trying to produce. I wonder if it's because the season changes have been less dramatic in the past...
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    cuisines Pizza fritta napoletana

    My grandmother (parents came to America from Greci Italy) used to make pizza every Friday. With the leftover dough, she would make (what she called) pizza fritta,every Saturday morning. She would pan fry the dough and coat them with cinnamon and sugar. Sorry, just stumbled across this thread and...
  16. M

    Cut end of stems hollowing out.

    I hope so. The plant looks very healthy overall, and is starting to produce flower buds. I'd really hate to lose it. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk
  17. M

    Cut end of stems hollowing out.

    Kinda hard to get a good picture with my phone, but as the title says, these buggers are hollowing out on me! Is this a cause for concern? I remember coming across something about a fungus and treating with peroxide, just trying to get on top of this before the darn thing starts dying (if it is...
  18. M

    Standouts and disappointments from my grow this season

    Right on, I appreciate the gesture! I really do want to try out the original, so I'm more than likely going to order from them and kill two birds with one shipping cost. Thanks again! Hopefully soon I'll be able to spread the love here the way you and so many others are. Sent from my...
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    Standouts and disappointments from my grow this season

    I apologize, haha I didn't mean to sound like I was begging for seed stock! I didn't know fatalii shipped to the u.s., I'll take a closer look at their page. I saw they have both the original and the cross, so I may just order both. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! Sent from my...
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    Standouts and disappointments from my grow this season

    I had considered growing fidalgo roxa next season, mostly because of looks(admittedly I'm a bit addicted to bonchi)... Does that cross retain the appearance characteristics of the fidalgo roxa? If so that'll round out my grow next season if I can find good seed. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A...