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  1. F

    hybrid Tabasco Fish cross

    I've recently been trying to pollinate a tabasco pepper flower using pollen from a fish pepper. This exact tabasco plant has happily accepted pollen from numerous other annuum and chinense varieties, but in around ten attempts so far, will not set fruit with fish pollen. Can anyone offer any...
  2. F

    Stabilizing Mad Hatter F1

    There is a baccatum variety named Mad Hatter F1 that was a 2017 AAS winner. The fruit has a bishop's crown shape and is said to be mild in heat, perhaps even bordering on sweet. There are also reports that it is pest resistant and highly productive. I haven't grown it yet, but I look forward to...
  3. F

    What is this underneath this tabasco leaf?

    Hi all, I have a tabasco plant growing in a pot outdoors. I think it is having some bacterial problems that is causing it to lose some of its leaves, but on one of the undersides of the leaves it dropped, I noticed something else. Can anyone help me identify it? Thanks!  
  4. F

    New here

    Hello everyone. My name is Vince, and I am growing chiles in central Florida (zone 8b/9a).