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  1. Oz.chilli

    Free seeds international

    Hi There - I'd love to take up the offer. Will I post address Many Thanks Ed
  2. Oz.chilli

    PollenNut in the house

    :welcome:  looking forward to your posts - cheers
  3. Oz.chilli


    :welcome: welcome from Oz
  4. Oz.chilli


    :welcome:  Cheers from Oz
  5. Oz.chilli


    :welcome:Welcome -Cheers Ed
  6. Oz.chilli

    Howdy from Atlanta Georgia

    :welcome: Welcome aboard - cheers Ed
  7. Oz.chilli

    G'Day from Oztralia

    Hi All Stumbled across this site and absolutely thrilled. Always been interested in chilles (eating more so than growing, until recent). Started propagating some from seeds late last year and now nurturing my little babies through to fruition and loving it. Hope you all have a great day. Cheers Ed