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    KFC Trademark Infringement

    Chipotle is a spice. The spice is the result of a "smoking" process. Chipotle means "smoked chile" in the Aztec language: chil=chile; poctli=smoke, which was adopted by the Spanish when invading Mexico. Since chipotle is a formal name it cannot be trademarked. However, catchy phrases...
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    KFC Trademark Infringement

    When I read the article about the KFC Smoky Chipotle it said that registration of a word mark addresses spelling differences. I am sure that since this trademark is for the phrase and not a certain image that is the tradsemark-like the image of Colonel Sanders for example-then the exact...
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    KFC Trademark Infringement

    It is amazing how ignorant some people can be. Trademarks are not just handed out-there is an extensive time-consuming process long before government approval. As to patents-they are totally different from trademarks. While some people may not care-protection of property rights, i.e., name...