Search results

  1. C

    overwintering Growing Plants Outdoors during Winter

    Hello all, well soon here in southern cal it will be time to winterize my plants outdoors that is. I have around 40 five gallon containers currently growing my peppers in two rows of 20 each growing parallel with each other. What would be something I can do to keep them nice outside until spring...
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    THSC's new Sauce for 2009

    Great job Neil and nice label. Looks HOT!!! My NagaSav just arrived, can't wait to try. Thanks
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    Holy Jolokia

    Has anybody tried this sauce? Thanks.
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    seeds Germination Station

    Gotcha, thanks :)
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    seeds Germination Station

    Thanks bigt, much appreciated. Hooks?
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    seeds Germination Station

    Okay, went to Lowe's picked up a bag of the Ferry Morse Organic Seed Starter vs their non-organic one. Really don't know if that matters one way or the other? How often should I water the seeds once a day to keep them moist? What works best as far as watering them in a closed environment, to get...
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    seeds Germination Station

    Thank you for you help. So if I go with the seed starting soil how deep do I plant the seeds 1/4 inch or so? If using jiffy pots do you just put the seed in and cover? Is one method better than the other? Obviously, you can see I have never planted from seed before. Thanks again.
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    seeds Germination Station

    Hello Pam, you were right it came with only the plastic cell tray and nothing else to plant the seeds in, bummer. So now what should I purchase to germinate the seeds in soil, coco plugs, jiffy's, rockwool, etc? If I don't plant in soil I will obviously need to purchase 72 plugs or jiffys? Also...
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    greetings from Israel

    Welcome from So. California!
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    updates on plants

    Those are huge pods. Great job, Neil!
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    Ebay Seeds?

    Has anyone used chickenbones for seeds on ebay? I can't find anything on here about them. Is this I noticed they have a picture up with thousands of peppers and that name is on the picture. If so are they any good? Thanks
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    chinense Scorpion Tongue?

    You have any pics, to see what it looks like? Thanks
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    chinense Scorpion Tongue?

    Actually, the Chilewoman has it at a 10 on heat and calls it a Chinense, Country: Trinidad! But have never seen one.
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    chinense Scorpion Tongue?

    Hello everyone! Whats the difference between the Scorpion Tongue and the Trinidad Scorpion, both from Trinidad? Does anybody know the difference? Are they one of the same? Thank you.
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    seeds Germination Station

    Thanks for the replies. So do you leave the lid on until the leaves sprout or at what point do you leave it off completely? Also did you guys use the seed starting booster it came with? Thanks again.
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    seeds Germination Station

    Hello, I just purchased a 72 cell Germination Station with the Heated Mat. It comes with all of this; UL listed waterproof heat mat, 17 watts, 120 volt 2" humidity dome 11" x 22" watertight base tray 72-cell seedling inserts Seed starting booster It's being shipped to me. So my question is...
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    7 Pod skin porn..

    PRF, those look very hot. I can't wait to grow them. Nice superhots you have there!
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    wanted Looking for 7 Pot seeds

    Hello, newbie here. Been reading the boards for a while here, lots of great info. So, I started my hot pepper venture a year ago growing Chocolate Habs, Red Savinas, Orange Habs, Caribbeans, Timplins, Super Chilis and a few others. The addiction of anything hot never stops. There are some really...