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  1. AmericanHwyFlower

    The herb garden(legal one) is thriving!!

    HI Al... no that was in 2009. I just used a staple gun to attach garden fabric to the back side(to hold the soil in) and planted in the slots between the wood on pallet. We had it standing up , leaning on a brick wall... it grew very well vertically.
  2. AmericanHwyFlower

    Need help with pepper grow out???

    Okay guys... let me finish typing the list and I will get it to you via pm. I am gonna have to send you the list tomorrow.... family needs me here tonight.
  3. AmericanHwyFlower

    Need help with pepper grow out???

    HI... I am not sure where to post this... i just was gifted a huge variety of pepper seeds, from a research friend.... from all over the globe. I need some experienced growers who will grow some of these out and let me know their findings(must be willing to keep track and share with me info)...
  4. AmericanHwyFlower

    Bitter melon!

    Okay... i broke down and I am soaking some foo gwa, as we call bitter melon here, seeds to plant tomorrow!! Woot woot... gotta rig some sort of trellis... such a great idea. :party:
  5. AmericanHwyFlower

    Shade loving vines?

    oh yea... i vote for passion vines.... very very nice flowers
  6. AmericanHwyFlower

    Stickman's Other 2013 Garden- Brassicas and Root Crops Are Up

    I am in a condo with a small plot of dirt and a patio, but I do have a community garden plot at the local university arboretum... I just love to plant and miss the days when i had a huge yard and garden :P
  7. AmericanHwyFlower

    Square Foot Gardens

    Okay.... i have to ask 'What' is this mix???
  8. AmericanHwyFlower

    Help! what the heck! I have gnats... LOTS of gnats!!

    thanks Prehensile... that link has a lot of information. And YES.... please tell us how you go so many gnats on the sticky strip... i only got a couple.
  9. AmericanHwyFlower

    Anyone grow Marigold nd geranium near pepper plant ???

    I have had great sucess growing marigolds amongst the garden plants. I have never tried geraniums.
  10. AmericanHwyFlower

    Tepin, Pequin, de Arbol, Japones, Guajillo - SASBE offer

    I would love some de arbol and Guajillo seeds, oh heck i would love them all!. Sending you a pm now
  11. AmericanHwyFlower

    Stickman's Other 2013 Garden- Brassicas and Root Crops Are Up

    awesome garden plans!!! and I am jealous of all your
  12. AmericanHwyFlower

    Help! what the heck! I have gnats... LOTS of gnats!!

    thanks everyone.... yes Megahot... i have been reading up on it... and this mosquito dunk..... you put it in water and let it sit overnite then water your plants with it to kill the larvae??? Is that how you use it?
  13. AmericanHwyFlower

    favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

    OH I have got to get some of these seeds to start..... i want a big huge plant like that.. yum!
  14. AmericanHwyFlower

    Help! what the heck! I have gnats... LOTS of gnats!!

    yeah... i am off to buy some of this neem oil tomorrow morning. thx Phil. For now i am off to read up on this neem oil stuff.
  15. AmericanHwyFlower

    Help! what the heck! I have gnats... LOTS of gnats!!

    Please share with me what you all do to get rid of gnats on seedlings.. or in the soil in all my seedlings and potted stuff... what happened?!?!?!?!? I tried drying out the soil but they are still there... gnats .....all over the place....What do you all do or use to get rid of these??? And DONT...
  16. AmericanHwyFlower

    trade Veggie seeds for trade or SASE...

    Tex16 pm me and tell me what type of maters you want.
  17. AmericanHwyFlower

    The herb garden(legal one) is thriving!!

    Very kewl Phil!!!! I have seen this on the web garden sites but have never tried I did use a wood pallet lined it and had it vertical 4 years ago... it was fun.
  18. AmericanHwyFlower

    The herb garden(legal one) is thriving!!

    yes, well i am an i phone dork... just got one recently and have to figure out how to get the pics up on desktop to put them here. My herb garden is all in planter pots on the back patio this year.. and it smells diving out there with all of it's aromas. I love to make homemade salsa... all...