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  1. N_FF


    my muffler did today
  2. N_FF

    seeds albino douglah seedling?

    my other douglah isent like this its the normal green but this one is white and purple any idea on this?
  3. N_FF

    this aint no pepper

    its some sort of cactus since it came from a mix pack.
  4. N_FF

    coffee-tea tea homebrew

    ok so i used 11.5L of pu-erh oolong and genmaicha brewed strong 2KG of sugar and lalvin EC-1118 yeast the must the easy way of cooling let mother nature do it and my "carboy" (saves me spending $30 on one) ill keep you guys posted on it cant wait to hear "bloop bloop" of the air...
  5. N_FF

    spirits vokda aging experiment

    well after watching the "coping with bad whisky" video i thought "i wonder what aged vodka would be like? perhaps it would make it more interesting?" and so finally getting around to doing my experiment. so ingredients: toasted oak sliver 5cl of Smirnoff red vodka slivers of tasted...
  6. N_FF

    the dynolicious run thread

    well today i finaly got around to getting the app "dynolicious" which is a telemitry aplication for your blacberry or ipod/iphone basicaly it records 0-60 times 1/4mile 1/8th mile 1000ft so on so forth it also records a 360' skidpad accel g brakeing g's lateral g's and a combination of both...
  7. N_FF

    harvesting first good harvest!

    well the peppers seem to be coming nicely now. (about time too not much time left till frost) i was estatic today to find that my fatali has agreed to finaly ripen!!! so heres the harvest! serano's orange habs fatali and a chilli grande so heres the interesting ones. orange hab...
  8. N_FF

    favorite my favorite booze

    well heres pics of my booze collection its left to right what i prefer. 1. glenfiddich 2. grand marnier 3. drambuie 4. tequila 5. congac 6. sake 7. jack daniels 8. johny walker red my sample bottles! i love samples and my large bottles. i know its not much but i dont drink...
  9. N_FF

    cajun sunshine

    well todays' review is of, try me's Cajun sunshine. which all i can discibe it as is a louisiana style sauce. price: around $4 look: not eye catching but a nicely rendered sceen of the bayou smell: vinigar vinigar vinigar! taste: classic louisiana heat: 3/10 to bad it tastes like...
  10. N_FF

    hot-sauce Tiger Sauce

    well i found some sauces today that looked interesting and one of them was Try me's "Tiger sauce" and heres the review of it. price: around $4 look: its got a tiger on it and has a lot of text all over the place. smell: sweet but vinegary taste: sweet and sour heat: 1.5-2/10 more of a...
  11. N_FF

    review colon cleaner review.

    well im back its been a while. im kinda rusty. so colon cleaner heres the video ok so flavor: hab flavor with mustard. i`d say the taste is decent. color yellow with red bonnet peices. heat 5ish/10 ... shit i forgot to smell it. awe...
  12. N_FF

    i got a model rocket!

    so i seen these model rocket kits in "the source" yesterday. 2 rockets launch pad and controll $20 4 motors for the small rocket $5. finaly fufilling a childhood wish priceless. i'v wanted one of these for 14+years estes sky dart with pad and controller. and actual video of launch and...
  13. N_FF

    food cheese rapes calzone

    oh look its back and not taking shit from anyone! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH flying calzone dough (pic edited to remove packrats nest that is kitchen wall) fromage rape tiem mmmm ham bacon and peri peri sauce. more raped cheese! continued
  14. N_FF

    the most epic battle ever waged. wonder what jake is going to come up with
  15. N_FF

    i'm legal!

    yup 21 today.
  16. N_FF

    hot-sauce a new Blair's sauce that ISN"t an extract sauce!!!!

    golden death.... Ingredients: Scotch Bonnet Pepper, Fresh Onion, Cane Vinegar, Mustard Seeds, Habanero Powder, Salt, Turmeric, and Ascorbic Acid now i know blair dosent get a good rap around here, but who knows this one might actualy be good? what do you think? ps bottle says "with...
  17. N_FF

    i need to harden the......

    i just got my ass kicked by a bowl of salsa, it was a rather large bowl too the salsa by itself is very mild but i decided to kick it up a knotch so i put some "spontainious combustion" sauce in it. about half a teaspoon in a like 2 cups of salsa. so not much sauce and lots of salsa... i need...
  18. N_FF

    the tea thread/ tea of the day thread.

    who enjoys quality teas? my favorites are pu-erh oolongs and greens. fav pu-erh : 2008 menghai 7532 oolong: ti kuan yin. or da hong pao green: matcha what are yours? and heres some of my tea pr0n. matcha equipment. matcha prepared. my yixing teapots. small one is for sheng and...
  19. N_FF

    nff's grow log '10

    well lets get the bad news out of the way. here's what dident germinate. how sad. video of what germinated when i last checked on them at grandma's (she has a greenhouse so i got her to try and germinate them for me) watch in 720 or higher...
  20. N_FF

    most grizly murder ever