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  1. OzzyRulez


    I have two Datil plants that are about 4 years old now. They are about 3 feet tall and about as wide. They are good peppers habanero like heat and nice flavor. My plants produce tons. Way more than I can use. I make pineapple and peach sauces with them everyone at my work loves. I've made corn...
  2. OzzyRulez

    pests Lots of bugs and not sure what they are!

    Oh they definitely seem to prefer the Serrano over the Datil. The Ghost had way less than the Datil too. The mystery pepper had a fair amount on but its nowhere near as healthy as the 4 year old Datil or Serrano plants. Only 5 pods on it compared to the hundreds on the other plants. Its...
  3. OzzyRulez

    pests Lots of bugs and not sure what they are!

    Yeah definitely see if we can get them added to the other pictures. That would be great! This particular plant is in the ground growing away from all my other plants, growing where my tomato plants were until a hail storm killed them. Honestly I'm not sure what it is, I planted all super hots...
  4. OzzyRulez

    pests Lots of bugs and not sure what they are!

    Thanks! Believe it or not these were taken with my Galaxy Nexus! Well I got to looking at the Serranno and there were lots of peppers damaged in splotches like the article I found on Google described. I even found a few of them with their feeding tubes in the peppers so unfortunately they were...
  5. OzzyRulez

    pests Lots of bugs and not sure what they are!

    Well I did some googling. Seems they are stink bugs and they are bad news. I just looked a little more and my serranno is seriously infested with them. Which makes sense since they are the "juiciest" of the peppers I have. According to what I was reading the smaller ones are in the nymph stage...
  6. OzzyRulez

    pests Lots of bugs and not sure what they are!

    Some of my Ghosts are showing signs of somthing eating them, like little round holes chewed into some. Not many though and I haven't observed any of these guys doing it and with as many as there is not many peppers are damaged.
  7. OzzyRulez

    pests Lots of bugs and not sure what they are!

    Hey guys I was wondering if any of you know what these are and if they are bad. All of my pepper plants are covered in them. I don't want to kill them if they are beneficial but there are so many I'm worred as to what they actually are! There are literally hundreds of them spread among my 6...
  8. OzzyRulez

    My nose is on fire...

    Actually yes it worked well, looks like it kept everything but bugs out.
  9. OzzyRulez

    My nose is on fire...

    Last month I had a rabbit problem in my garden. They kept eating my corn sprouts and other stuff as they were coming out of the ground. So I ground up a bunch of dried Bhuts and sprinkled all over the garden. For 4 days I could not understand why the soles of my feet were on fire. I was like WTF...
  10. OzzyRulez

    My New Years Eve haul :D

    Yeah its supposed be like 29 here Monday or Tuesday night. I hope I'm able to keep the plants warm they still have lots of unripe peppers on them.
  11. OzzyRulez

    My New Years Eve haul :D

    I've managed to keep the frost from killing off my plants so far this winter. Luckily it has been really mild here in North East Florida. I got a great haul of Datil, a few Ghost and a few Serrano as well. A few Datil's think they are Scorpions lol
  12. OzzyRulez

    Pepper ID help.

    Sweet thanks guys, you're right they do really look like caribbean red's. I'm waiting on my Serrano's and Bhut's to ripen. I have a bunch of Datil waiting for me to eat or create something with. Now some of these to add to the mix :D
  13. OzzyRulez

    Pepper ID help.

    I moved out of Florida for a while. While I was gone my dad took it upon himself to keep growing peppers for me even though he doesn't eat them. He grew these and has no idea what they are. I can say they are pretty dang hot. Not quite Bhut hot but definitely will give a good strong hab a run...
  14. OzzyRulez

    Help identifying pepper

    Ok well I wanted to update you guys on the mystery pepper. It is most definitely a hybrid, I'd say. One ripened up and I tried it out. The skin had spines on it like Bhut's and was soft thin walls. Very very aromatic and sweet flavor. The heat was intense. I eat a habanero everyday with my lunch...
  15. OzzyRulez

    Hi from Florida

    Nice to meet someone familiar with the area. Sante Fe is a great bass spot as you already know :)
  16. OzzyRulez

    Hi from Florida

    Thanks for all the welcomes :D
  17. OzzyRulez

    Help identifying pepper

    Glad to see I'm not the only stumped. I'm waiting patiently for that one to ripen so I can give it a try.
  18. OzzyRulez

    Help identifying pepper

    This is my first year growing Ghost and Red Savina. I have what I believed to be 3 Ghost started from seeds that I pulled from fresh peppers. I planted them in a row. However 1 of them is different, I'm wondering if I got a Red Savina plant mixed up with a Ghost but I'm not entirely sure. I...
  19. OzzyRulez

    Hi from Florida

    Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Gary and I live in Keystone Heights Florida. I've been growing peppers for a few years now, mainly for making my own sauces. I joined the forum to ask a question but I figured I'll probably hang around too so I figured I'd at least introduce myself...