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  1. DoubleBlown

    trade WIRI WIRI Peppers For Trade

    I'm back as of today! Anyone who sent seeds to me in a trade and didn't recieve their wiri wiri seeds in return please let me know and I will send some more out! At that time I had so many seeds coming in and going out and people buying them from me as well as seedlings, some got neglected in...
  2. DoubleBlown

    Trading Out Guyanese Wiri Wiri Seeds

    Hey folks! I've been away from the site for a long time just came back to get some new things growing for the season...looking to get my hands on some seeds for any and all hot peppers...I have lots and lots of genuine Guyanese wiri wiri pepper seeds to trade...I grew 5 huge plants last year in...
  3. DoubleBlown

    Ya to old to garden when.......

    You know you're too old to be gardening when you cant remember why you're holding a bucket of fish heads
  4. DoubleBlown

    chinense Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

    I woul love to trade you some WIRI WIRI seeds for some of your chocolate bhuts! please pm me ASAP
  5. DoubleBlown

    trade WIRI WIRI Peppers For Trade

    The Wiri Wiri peppers heat is searing hot but also very delicious which forces you to ask for more punishment. I make a sauce with about 50 Wiri Peppers, 1 Carrot, 2 tbsp salt, and 1/4 cup vinegar, and 1 tbsp Molasses....I'm telling you, this sauce will make you dance!!!! Will probably always...
  6. DoubleBlown

    trade WIRI WIRI Peppers For Trade

    Dan, I believe you sent me chiltepins, datils, uba tubas, and some others (which was very very generous!) but no Bhuts....If you'd like I can send you some more Wiri Wiri seeds for a few Bhuts...I now also have some cayenne, fatali, tobasco, pinky toes, aji limon, and some super hot red savinas...
  7. DoubleBlown

    trade WIRI WIRI Peppers For Trade

    come on people I know there are more people interested in growing WIRI WIRI plants!!!! DAN and RICK I see you!!!!
  8. DoubleBlown

    trade WIRI WIRI Peppers For Trade

    thanks! yes WIRI WIRI peppers grow wild in Guyana South America, but they are also widely grown by Guyanese in pots for the strict purpose of making an amazing pepper sauce that seems to make any meal at least 5x better...The peppers in the pictures I bought from a local West Indian farmers...
  9. DoubleBlown

    trade WIRI WIRI Peppers For Trade

    PM Sent! Looking for as many of whatever as whoever cares to trade!!!
  10. DoubleBlown

    trade WIRI WIRI Peppers For Trade

    Hello Everyone! I have authentic Wiri Wiri seeds for trade! The peppers in the pics are the same ones that these seeds came out of! I swear! Let me know what you have to trade!... I really would like to acquire the following...