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  1. N

    Caterpillar ATTACK!!!

    If you have milkweed with pretty flowers near the peppers, KILL THE MILKWEED. Queen Moths love Milkweed and that is what those caterpillars look like, here. Not sure about there. Take one hostage to your local garden shop, if you have one, and have them identify it for you to be sure, and then...
  2. N

    pests Tomato leaf aphid spray??

    When ahids get bad, I use an organic concentrate called "8". It is supposed to be very safe, especially for bees, but I never use it in the morning before bees come out. Mix the concentrate with water and you are good to go. It woks on all chewing insects... Aphids included. Good luck. Until...
  3. N

    pests Tomato leaf aphid spray??

    the "8" is not listed to harm beneficial insects, as they do not chow down on the foliage of plants. The bee warning is for when the plants produce flowers, but by then, aphids do not pose a problem here.
  4. N

    pests Tomato leaf aphid spray??

    sorry... Learning how to use the posting board...
  5. N

    I heard that... Same here with rain forecasted until next SATURDAY! I put floaties on the pepper...

    I heard that... Same here with rain forecasted until next SATURDAY! I put floaties on the pepper leaves so they will, at least, not drown!