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  1. tunafeesh

    what are you??

    this first pepper was grown from supposed bhut seeds but doesnt appear very bhutish... this second one was given to my mom from someone she knows and in turn given to me...
  2. tunafeesh

    plant Mystery plant

    So my 'mystery' plant has pods going all over the place now...I'm thinking they're poblano?? anyone care to refute/concur??
  3. tunafeesh

    pests Any idea what these little buggers are??

    These little greenish/transluscent bugs have taken up a new home on my ghost. Any idea what they are called??
  4. tunafeesh

    What are you?!?

    So I buy at the very least a dozen of these every other week. They are labeled as 'New Mexico' at the grocery store. They've got a bit of a thick skin and not very spicy, but are delicious as all hell and I use them all the time for chili and I'd likely be hung if I didn't stuff some with cheese...
  5. tunafeesh


    Over the past day or 2, a few of my plants have had leaves going yellowish brown on the tips (almost like they're rusting,) some are starting to wilt a bit and one actually has had most of its leaves fall off. I haven't changed anything in my routine. just water at this point, no nutes or...
  6. tunafeesh

    tunafeesh just logging some growth.

    got 7 or 8 pepper joe seed packs 2 weeks ago and got things started... back row is a yatsufuca, 2 chocolate habs that havent done a damn thing yet, and some mystery peppers up front. mystery peppers bring some serious suspense to the party. 2 bhut jolokia in the back...left side hasnt...