Search results

  1. J-Man

    Nacho Cheeseburgers

    Brainfart and i decided to try make the Nacho Cheeseburgers from BBQ pit boys You need: parsley fresh garlic, unions, tomatos, your fav pepper, 2 pounds ground beef Chuck, salt, black pepper, lays nacho chips (crushed) hot pepper sauce, grated cheese. On the bbq Melt the cheese on the...
  2. J-Man

    J-Man's pepper plants

    Hi there! I'm new here, but i've been stalking this forum for quite a while now. Then decided to start my own growlog... so here we go! Thai hot Ring of fire Hot Paper lantern Devils tongue Aladin Madam jeanette Bhut jolokia Hot Paper Lantern .......... Thai Hot...
  3. J-Man

    J-Man from the netherlands

    Hi, I like beer Or hot beer :D