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  1. ebh

    What to try after Choc. Habs are edible?

    You can try anything you want, as long you don't eat a whole one. There is a pretty big jump from habaneros to nagas...   I didn't necessarily find the chocolate hab to be (much) hotter than a regular hab, just different tasting.   I recommend nagas/bhut jolokias as they are a bit different than...
  2. ebh

    Cutting big old leaves - are there benefits?

    I checked out the internet and there were mixed answers regarding this aspect. I ended up cutting them anyway...   Thanks
  3. ebh

    Cutting big old leaves - are there benefits?

    Hey,   I just notices that the leaves that first appeared on my plants (the oldest ones - mainly the ones before the first Y split) got very big. I remember in previous years they started to fall once the plant got a bit bigger, but now I'm growing hyroponically and they still linger on, most of...
  4. ebh

    2015 hydro balcony grow - Pics of completed outdoor setup on page 2

    Small update.... I got the reservoir changed this we with the painted one (unfortunately I still get leaks, so I will have to do some maintenance over the next week-end - which means emptying everything again, unfortunately). Also got the filter in, although judging from the state of the water...
  5. ebh

    pests bug ID, please

     That's what I thought... so they got flushed down the toilet a while ago :)   Thank you all for the input!
  6. ebh

    pests bug ID, please

    Looks like this, so they will die an early death...
  7. ebh

    pests bug ID, please

    Hi,   I found some eggs and baby bugs on the bottom of a leaf. Can you please help me id them? You can zoom in on the picture, as it is pretty high-res.   Thanks a bunch!     I'm guessing it's something like sting bugs, so if I don't get any answer in a few hours I will discard the leaf in...
  8. ebh

    2015 hydro balcony grow - Pics of completed outdoor setup on page 2

    Got a few pods going already....   Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion:   and Bhutlah...   They are both bumpy and nasty looking already. Can't wait to see how the later ("real") ones turn out...
  9. ebh

    2015 hydro balcony grow - Pics of completed outdoor setup on page 2

    If you wanted too, you could get a DWC plant to wilt :).   Last year, growing one plant, it went through the nute solution in about 2 days. If I went away for a we I would find it wilting with absolutely no water left.
  10. ebh

    2015 hydro balcony grow - Pics of completed outdoor setup on page 2

    Well, I by no means say that GH are BAD nutes, they are just harder to work with. For once because they are 3 part and you have to mix everything one at a time, and for second because you have bad ph stability. As plant health/growth goes, they are the same as the rest (I didn't do a real 1 on 1...
  11. ebh

    2015 hydro balcony grow - Pics of completed outdoor setup on page 2

    I know. I used hesi nutes last year and it worked great (it's also a lot cheaper than GH where I buy from), but I stil have a lot of GH left from last year and will continue to use it untill I finish it all. After that I will go on to using hesi again.   Thanks!
  12. ebh

    fertilizer What is the best fertilizer for Hot Pepper - what NPK ?

    Plagron, Atami, Biobizz and Canna are all good fertiliser brands (I think they are all dutch). You can use whichever you want. Personally, I find Biobizz and Canna to be a bit more expensive than the competition, so last year I've grown using hesi. The results just as good and it was cheaper.  ...
  13. ebh

    2015 hydro balcony grow - Pics of completed outdoor setup on page 2

      Will let you know. If I forget, remind me again a 1-2 weeks. I tried it in the past and it worked out ok for me.       Indeed I am talking about the ph of the nutes/water mixture after feeding the plants for a while. Not when I mix it up at first... I had the same issue last year with one...
  14. ebh

    2015 hydro balcony grow - Pics of completed outdoor setup on page 2

    Haven't updated the glog in a while, but this was mostly because there weren't many changes since last time.   The 3 large (actually 4, but I count the 2-in-a-container bubblegums as one) got a haircut. Got rid of some of the second Y branches to get the structure better suited to their location...
  15. ebh

    Yellowfin2na Hydroponic Grow 2015 *PIC INTENSE*

    Sorry if you posted, but didn't catch it... Regarding the 400-600ppm range, are you using RO water?   Thanks!
  16. ebh

    hydroponic Growing peppers hydroponically Need Help!

    I'm also growing hydroponicaly this year so I think I can give you a bit of feedback on what I'm seeing...   First of all, I think with the coco/perlite setup the containers are way too big and you are watering them too much. You have to keep the containers small so you can water them often...
  17. ebh

    2015 hydro balcony grow - Pics of completed outdoor setup on page 2

    Got up early this morning and took a bunch of pictures. Although the system is done, I still need two more things which will get done at the first water/nutes change - replace the reservoir with a white painted one (I got a new one, just need to paint it like the rest) and place a T split with...
  18. ebh

    2015 hydro balcony grow - Pics of completed outdoor setup on page 2

    Got the plants in early. Some low light pictures, as I can't get any good ones untill saturday....
  19. ebh

    2015 hydro balcony grow - Pics of completed outdoor setup on page 2

      I only have one pump that pulls through, rather than push. It gets water from the last container and pumps it out in the control reservoir. I think it's called under current.   A basic schematic would be: control reservoir -> large pipe -> container1 -> large pipe -> container2 ... container4...
  20. ebh

    2015 hydro balcony grow - Pics of completed outdoor setup on page 2

    The system is almost complete. I had some big issues with leakage, but I finally managed to solve them. Decided against tidiness regarding the air tubes and didn't hid them in the water pipes. It would have looked better, but in case of problems it would have been more difficult to fix.   I will...