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  1. cmccarty

    water Watering a raised bed

    Thanks for the tip. How would the garden hose trick work going from bed to bed? They are next to each other  but slightly offset,  ---    < like this. If I drill, wont the pressure be way low the farther I go down the line?
  2. cmccarty

    water Watering a raised bed

    Hey Guys - sorry if this has been asked before. I searched but didn't find anything. I have two 4'x8' raised bed for my 16 peppers and I'm trying to figure out the best way to water them? I try to keep the water off the leaves as much as possible by watering at the base of the plants. The...
  3. cmccarty

    introducing myself and my new pepper garden

    Hey Guys,   So some time has passed and I definitely think the cause of all of my problems had to have been the tsunami season we experienced this summer here in Georgia. Since it has dried up a bit, my pepper plants have exploded with pods.   On that note, I decided to grow a cajun bell indoors...
  4. cmccarty

    Hot sauce vs. Peppers

    Afterdeath is a good one.   I have some thai hots growing. I will have to compare them to the sauce once they ripen
  5. cmccarty

    Hot sauce vs. Peppers

    Oh ok, well that explains it haha. I must have had it confused with one of their many other death sauces. I didn't think I would be able to handle the heat of a homegrown hab, but in all honesty, it was pretty good. Definitely painful, but delicious. The only weird part was the warm feeling in...
  6. cmccarty

    Hot sauce vs. Peppers

    The sauce I'm talking about is Blair's ultra death, which is rated at 100k scoville units. Habs are rated 100-300 from what I've read. I'm thinking it might be the hot sauce is a liquid theory and sticks, where as I swallow the hab once I'm done chewing.
  7. cmccarty

    Hot sauce vs. Peppers

    So I just ate my first home grown habanero. First off, it was delicious. My question has to do with the heat. It was definitely much hotter than a jalapeño that I ate yesterday, but it doesn't seem to be as hot as a hot sauce I've got with a comparable scoville rating. Am I crazy?
  8. cmccarty

    Another newbee question

    Peppers will change flavor based on how ripe they are, so yes, waiting for it to full change will change the flavor vs. picking it right now
  9. cmccarty

    Built a vortex compost brewer

    The vortex energy is a giant load of crap. The key with brewing tea is organic growth, which means oxygen exchange. Oxygen exchange in water is accomplished through surface area and surface tension disruption. The bubbles do this, but I'd imagine you'll get much more surface tension from this...
  10. cmccarty

    newbie, first post!

    Hey brad! Welcome to thp. Post some photos and we will be able to help a lot more.
  11. cmccarty

    Yellowing leaves and falling off?

    I am having the exact same issue down here in Atlanta. I'm no pro, but I think it's all the water, like others have said.
  12. cmccarty

    introducing myself and my new pepper garden

    My first Habanero's!
  13. cmccarty

    introducing myself and my new pepper garden

    Thanks for all of the tips and welcomes guys. I've removed all of the leaves with issues and also gave the plants a good shake to knock water off the leaves. I also heard that agitation ups the capsaicin levels :). Ill try and get some photos of my first pods coming in so everyone can see...
  14. cmccarty

    rain rain rain rain more rain

    Same here, my sprinklers haven't turned on in 2 weeks (rain sensors). For them to completely stay off means at least 1"/week
  15. cmccarty

    introducing myself and my new pepper garden

    Hi guys,   i've been lurking for a while now reading everything I could about different pepper types, ways to grow peppers, over-wintering, etc and figured I would just start a thread to introduce myself as well as my very pathetic pepper garden.   My name is Crawford and I'm in NE Atlanta (near...