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  1. F

    FireCracker's First Grow!

    do they have to be one per cup, also how do i move them without hurting them?
  2. F

    FireCracker's First Grow!

    First I would like to thank cone9 for providing my first ever seeds!  I planted: Chocolate Hab Choclate Naga Morich Trinidad Scorpian Brain Strain  Reaper Ghost Pepper   March 1 2014 I started the seeds soaked in paper towels for 24hr, and then put them in paper cups with seedling mix, this...
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    Newbie Help

    So I soaked my seeds in moist paper towels, which were then placed in a plastic bags, I wrapped the whole thing in a towel and put it on my heating vent. Do i soak for only 24hr and then transfer to starting mix?
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    Newbie Help

    Hello All, I am 17 years old and am ready to start my first grow. This was kind of a curiosity to me, and my seeds just came in. I got Trinidad Scoripan, Brain Strain, Reaper, Coco Naga Morich, Choco Hab, and Ghost Pepper. I was wondering if it is too late to start for this year (I live in...
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    free CLOSED >MORE< Free Seed - payback time

    I am a newbie, 17 years old and want to get into this hobby. Can be be considered for offer G ( I am  number 3)?  :fireball:
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    Stiil Open Are you Interested?

    pm sent thanks man!
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    Ghost Peppers in Virginia

    Hello! My name is Sagar and I live in Northern VA. I aspire to sell ghost peppers in my area as I cant find them anywhere. I ordered 20 ghost pepper seeds and am wondering when to start growing. I know to start in January so that peppers will fruit by July. Also from what I've been told the...