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  1. D

    Fresnos turning brown at bottom...BER?

    Could also be sun scald. But yeah pics would definitely help.
  2. D

    Hello from the Bay Area

    Hey there THP. First time grower here in Livermore, CA. I have a fairly feeble grow compared to what I've seen here so far. Just a bunch of Bonnie's transplants from Lowes. But I'm excited nonetheless to see my plants grow to their potential. Here is a group shot ...
  3. D

    What is this little guy on my arbol plant?

    Thanks for the reassurance guys. I'll let him keep doing his thing!
  4. D

    What is this little guy on my arbol plant?

    Just curious if it's a harmless insect, or something I should be concerned about. Since, to me, it doesn't look like any of the critters found in the pest guide. Thanks!