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media 300 random pepper seeds + coco coir

This winter I purchased the 300 seed mystery mix from
and the Naga Jolokas

From the same or one other site came the Fatali, Carribean and a few others which will be photographed and posted if anyone replies to this post :)

300 seeds was too many and finally they were tossed in a small plastic bin with two holes in the bottom. Coco Coir was used as a test against peat moss. It works great!

It hydrates easy, is ph balanced, salts are washed out...
At around 4 min the video explains coco coir

Watering from the top or bottom works well especially to preserve water soluble fertilizer toward the top of the pot.

If it is over fertilized no problem because coir is hard to over water.
Just water to runoff then water with correct fertilizer.
Good information Nute...I may experiment with some this next season...
GH and Botanicare.
PetCo has some which needs to be check for PH balance and being leeched of salts.
Without something else in the coco the off ph of the tap water causes leaves to yellow in just a few days.
Maybe lime or oyster shell would handle that.
What in your soil allows you to use water outside of the 6.5 to 7.5 ph range?