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7 Pot Type?

I am guessing this is a 7 Pot based on the pod shape.  Any ideas of a specific type?  I have not seen the pod grow with this type of color before.  I got these seeds from Pepperproblem but I had the plant mislabeled when transplanted.  
Here is the immature pod on the plant.  I thought these were going to turn white at maturity.  They looked a lighter green color and had speckles of blue/purple on certain ones.  This plant was not in full sun.  It was in Afternoon sun.  

here is the mature pod. 


Any help is appreciated.  Thanks. 
do you think it could be barrackpore? my 2 year plant only coughed up about 4 pods about the size of your smallest pods and seedless but they had many folds.
doing a quick google image, the barrackpore seems to have many size and shapes. there is youtube video of a barrackpore plant and the plant shows scores of variations of pod type on the same plant.
another way to narrow it down, maybe go to pepperproblem's profile, print off his growlist and start scratching.
Strong Chinense taste. I ate a quarter of a smaller one and it lit me up.  Not as much as a moruga or brain strain, but hotter than the habanero/scotch bonnet level.  I would be really excited if it was an Antillais but the flavor and shape do not quite match up.  The last Antillais I had contained a very strong tropical flavor, this one not so much. Just chinense, a slight hint of perfume but not overpowering, and immediate heat to the throat and head.  chinense aftertaste and burp.  Although that could be climate induced......   I will look into the other types. 
The Antillais that I have looks like it some what, but mine is pumpy and quite spikey but has the folds in it and the same degree of red too, mine may be a cross so i can't be sure of that I kind of lean toward the Trinidad Congo. :P
Yep another vote for Trinidad Congo.  Although, my experience with Congos has been that they have a very strong sweet, fruity flavor with only slight Chinense/floral undertones.  Heat level for me was about 1.5 the strength of a habanero, so perhaps in the ballpark that you described.