Adding Calcium?

Curious if and how much calcium I should add to my container plants?  I used super cheap potting soil that has a lot of mulch, it seems to drain pretty well.  Growing in 2 5 gallon buckets, Jalapeno in one container, 2 baby bells in the other (and my 2 watermelon plants in a 45 gallon tote.

When I transplated them, it seemed like all of my plants grew extremely slow.  Then I got some water soluable 10-15-10 all purpose fertilizer mix, within a couple days of watering everything with that, it seemed to explode!  

I have had a tendency to slightly over fertilize, with no side effects as of yet.  My peppers grew into bushes extremely fast, and my Melon vines took off like crazy.  I also flush my containers out every 10-14 days to avoid build up of nutes (actually flushing them today since its hot, then was gonna add 1/2 strength nutes after that water drains through a few times.

I was considering cruching up a few tumbs and adding to my fertiizer water.  I wasn't sure how much would be sufficient, thdey are 750mg tabs with no other active ingredients
Sugar free tums work. I save my chicken eggshells and grind them up, they're ~97% calcium carbonate (the same stuff in tums) and free. Sprinkle that powder around the base of plants with some epsom salts mixed in and you've got a good calmag supplement. 
like peppamang said eggshells work great but I like to use crushed oyster shell. You can either mix it with water or sprinkle it around the base of the plant. You can't really use to much but you basically just have to eyeball it.