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After a pod turns ripe, how long to let stay on bush for seed

Was gifted an Inca Red Drop by a nice THP member a few weeks back. The first pod has since turned red. How long should it stay on the bush till the seeds should be viable?

Thanks for the advice.
ripe = ready.

Mother nature is usually right on stuff like that.

Ripening is the end of the mature stage of the peppers so I would say the seeds are ready.

After ripe, I usually deseed, sometimes cutting the placenta out completely and leaving on a paper plate for a day or so, usually after that I loosen the seeds
and air dry, then they should be ready.
+1, JJ

For maximum viability, make sure the pod is really ripe - if it's supposed to be red, some pods turn orange before they turn red, so be patient and wait for full maturity if it's just barely red. That said, you CAN germinate seeds from a somewhat-ripe pod, but you might have a lesser success ratio. I've managed to sprout seeds from a full-sized green pod, and of course, would likely have an even lower overall success rate with those if I had tried to sprout many.