seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

I want to inform that I got the train. No way I'm gonna finish looking thru it in an hour!! This thing is packed, So I'm gona look thru it tonight and I'll send it on it's way :party: .


Great!.  I will say since it was my first train that I was really surprised at the choices in the box.  Since I am a new grower, I don't have tons of seeds, but I added things that were not already in there.
I'm assuming the original seeds are gone from it though. If that's all there is on the wait time, I'd like to receive it. Add my name fifteen or so spots down the line though, I don't want any seeds to lose viability because of being out in the cold. I have some interesting things that could be added to it.
Looks like I'm next.  Souf, I tried to IM you, for your addy, but it said you couldn't receive new full??  Anything in particular you're looking for that I might be able to add to the train?
I think I hear the train pulling out of the last station now.  I'll keep my ear to the rail.
how exciting  i cant wait to see whats in the box first seed train for me. just goes to show that there are a lot of good honest people on this site.
Ok... so I liked mostly all of what was in the train. And since I couldn't make it fit in the box I had to take at least half of what was in there...

I told the wife to shipb it out for me... She came back and told me she just put a few stamps and dropped it off... sorry I'm an A$$hole...

rebelgrower3 said:
Kinda figured that when you said you had to keep half of the stuff. There was alot in there glad everything is going well.
Lol, every thing is still there. I only took a few and added more that what I took. It berely fit inside the box and I would feel bad to sacrifice some space so I added some last minute somethings. Not much but definitely something for the brave soul who dares to venture. Lol.

Thanks to all for sharing the seeds and to Keith for keeping this going.

Hey, Vegas_Chili was right, it is a FULL box, only I couldn't find the Bellagio chips.  He may have forgotten to add the $100 chips.  LOL  
Now on a serious note, Souf hasn't sent me his addy.  Last time he was on the forum was early Jan, so if I don't hear from him by Monday, I'll ship to next on list, landracer, I'll PM him in a little while.
I'll stuff as much new stuff in the box as it will hold and get it out then.  I'll try to add some more dry pods also.  Landracer any special seeds you're looking for?  Well, today is seedling start day for a few dozen types of peppers, so I'd better get to it.
