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Another odd one out

Started 4 Barrackpore seeds from Pepperlover early and two look very different from this one just wondering what it is or if it's a cross. Plant is about a foot tall and here's the pics


Cheers guys will wait a bit longer. This plant looks so different to the other two I don't think this one is even Chinense as the leaves are smaller. I hope the other two grow good as I have been looking forward to the Barrackpores !
Definetly different......leaves are different shaped and the flowers appear to be on the whiter side for a Trinidad. Probably not a cross but possibly a seed mix up. This could be a good thing, now you'll have an additional variety. You did say you already had a couple of 7's going.
Maybe take a look at Judy's site and see if anything compares or maybe she'll chime in. Post some more photos when more pods come in and these particular ones ripen
