anyone australia interested in doing a review of my sauce??

hey guys..
i dont know if this is the right form to do this but i was wondering how and who i could send my sauce to in australia to get a review done here...
i am very interested to get feedback from people that KNOW what they are on about rather than just mates who keep saying the same old "yeah mate thats great" thing...

Ya got two bots? I could review and could ask neil for his opinion too, i am brutaly honest be warned lol.
i have smaller 100ml "taster" bottles i can send to you...
and yeah... I want the truth...
truth shall pave the way forward.... lies, be they malicious or kind, can only slow progress.....
I could pick them up tomorrow or if ya wanted you could drop them off at the clydesdale ay casino, save postin them. What say ye?
That's a great lookin' label you've created for your brand there Demonseed.

Are the metal flask filled with product as well or are those just promotional items?

Whippin' one of those flasks out and slammin' it onto the table would be a great way to raise some eyebrows at the church picnic... :hell: ;) :rofl:

@ dvg.....the flasks are full.... thought it would make a good selling item..
@ novocastrian... i work at the north ballina bp from 12:30pm onwards if you want to pick them up from there???
@ sandgroper.... im thinking i might send 1 to wildfire chilli.... when i do ill get an address for you as well..
@ jay t.... i will find out the postage costs and let you know... that would be great!!

cheers guys...:woohoo:
Gotta be in brizzy by 2 and am in a lancer not a ferrari lol it will probably cost around 15 bucks to send it to jay but thats probably your best bet mate. Jayt is honest in his reviews and as an official reviewer his opinion will be locked into thp forever so to speak.