Anyone growing the 'Devil's Brain'?

drew1226 said:
Here's my Devils Brain, looking forward to the pods!

Don't F*** it up!
Everyone is waiting too!

Really though, I'm just playin ' round. Kinda... Best of luck! (no pressure)
Just placed an order for them yesterday. Got tired of growing lobed peppers, and all the cleaning that involves (jumping spiders love making their homes in the folds of butch ts), so just spherical or elongate peppers for my mains from now on. So, thought these looked gnarly, and I love the taste of brain strain.
Grillcheese could you please post a pic of the other ripe ones once they come through, would love to see how close they all resemble Judy's pics. I'm growing a few of these this season too, cant wait to see the results.
Look like half way between Naga and Bhut. I'm growing some as well, but they are going to have to be overwintered. No pods :( I must say I'm not as excited about them now, as the pods don't look quite as mean as I hoped
Wicked gnarly pod. My plant didn't get huge but it did pump out a large number of pods. Gonna turn my yield into powder.
I just cut up a gallon size ziploc bag or both red Bhuts from judys seeds and her Devils brains. Besides the obvious differences in appearance I noticed the overall size of the bhut was longer but the Devils had a much thicker flesh. Both are going in the dehydrator with some of judys peach bhut ss.