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Anyone use honey in their hot sauce?

I have over a gallon of honey from a local bee keeper. I was thinking of using it in a hot sauce. Anyone here have experience with it's use?
I've used honey and Agave Nectar in sauces but not as a main ingredient. I used only enough to get the sweetness or flavor I was looking for.

I do pretty much the same thing. I also only use certain types of honey that are very "light" and sweet so it doesn't change the flavor profile much. My favorite by far is orange blossom honey. It's very light and almost clear. I would stay away from dark honey's like buckwheat unless your making a dark sauce like a chocolate hab sauce.
+1 RM.

I sometimes use it (in small quantity) in fruit-based sauces to supplement sweetness and as an emulsifier.

Works pretty well.
Wow, good to read. The honey is pretty light, just your "garden variety". Bought it from a co-worker, $50 for ~10 pounds. I just want to be creative and use it for a sweetener, not the main flavor.
Works well in some BBQ sauces. I find if you counter it with citrus it really works.
Sweet! Oh yeah those two goo good together. I love pineapple off the grill with a drizzle of honey.
I've made a "sweet thai" sauce in the past with the addition of honey, it helps tame down the rice wine vinegar...
I would love to have your recipe. I too am not a fan of the vinegar taste. I just picked up a couple bottles of key lime juice that I plan on using in my next batch - for pH and taste.