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pests Aphids are ruining my fun.

This is my first large scale grow. About 40 pepper plants and 10 tomatoes all in containers. So naturally I'm going to have alot of firsts and well aphids have attacked.

At first I thought it was just a strange bug grabbing shade... Then I noticed tons of them all sizes sucking the juices from the new growth. They are ravaging my plants.

I'm panicking so I just bought 2 types of sprays 1500 lady bugs and 1000 lace fly eggs.

I hope the plants can rebound.
Justosmo said:
I'm panicking so I just bought 2 types of sprays 1500 lady bugs and 1000 lace fly eggs.
     My advice would be to use one or the other. If you go the predator route (less work and more fun to watch, imo) get some marigolds and other flowers to maintain your population after the aphid population drops. 
     Step three - never worry about aphids again.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     My advice would be to use one or the other. If you go the predator route (less work and more fun to watch, imo) get some marigolds and other flowers to maintain your population after the aphid population drops. 
     Step three - never worry about aphids again.

Plan is to use the sprays to get them under control and release the good bugs after to help keep the peace.
I already had a few lady bugs hanging around and just got some neem oil to get some of the others off. After a few days no more aphid issues.
santis00 said:
I already had a few lady bugs hanging around and just got some neem oil to get some of the others off. After a few days no more aphid issues.
I got a soap/oil spray and also sevin. I'm gonna nuke them with sevin then use the oil/soap as needed after that and then release my good bug attack squad.
Justosmo said:
I got a soap/oil spray and also sevin. I'm gonna nuke them with sevin then use the oil/soap as needed after that and then release my good bug attack squad.
Don't go to crazy and stress out the plants to much. Don't want to whack the pollinators!
Azamax wrecks aphids. I never had much luck with safer soap or neem oil & ladybugs tend to just fly off if you dont't have some kinda tent to contain them.
But yeah i used to struggle with aphids almost every year, could reduce population a bit but never get rid of them. Then i found azamax and life is so much easier. 
santis00 said:
Don't go to crazy and stress out the plants to much. Don't want to whack the pollinators!
Some of the tops of the plants are pretty bad from these aphids so I'm afraid of doing to little then to much.
Are these inside?
I've never had an aphid problem as long as the plants are exposed to the natural predators.  Or at least, any time there is an aphid explosion it doesn't last very long.
If they're not exposed to external predators, then just get a few gallons of gasoline and a match.  Once the aphids are inside, you're boned  BONED!
Any poisons you use will hurt the plants more than the aphids.  You'll slowly kill the plants while the aphids keep coming back stronger.  Sure, you'll wipe out wave after wave of aphid, but they'll just pop up a portal to hell and summon unlimited reinforcements while you watch your plants wither more than your genitals during the unaired Golden Girls menage au quatre episode.
Predators could work, but unless you keep a constant supply of them inbound then they'll just eat all the aphids and starve to death while the next generation of aphids hatch a week later, unphased by the carnage.
But I'm an optimist, so take my advice for what that's worth.
jakester said:
Got some Azamax on the way, for aphids. What concentration is good to start?
Really don't want to, but...
2 TBSP (1oz)/gallon is medium concentration and should work. If you have a very serious infestation you can go up to 4 TBSP (2oz) gallon but I've never had to go that high.
Make sure to read the label well. Don't spray it in the middle of the day to avoid burning plants, do it in early morning or late evening when its cool and the sun isn't full. 
Make sure to coat both top & bottom side of leaves.
Lady bugs work as long as you take measures to ensure they stick around. Putting a netting enclosure around the plants or spraying them with diluted soda-water to make their wings sticky.
Well Fuck. My tomatoes and pepper plants new top growth all browned from the pesticide.

This sucks. Will they survive? They are indeterminate tomatoes and peppers.
Once you go azamax, youll never go back.
True story here.
Beg to differ. There are all sorts of strategies. Reaching for a bottle of "easy" isn't always the best way, and it's seldom the most sustainable.

Not to say it doesn't work, just trying to shit on your enthusiasm for insecticides. ;)
solid7 said:
Beg to differ. There are all sorts of strategies. Reaching for a bottle of "easy" isn't always the best way, and it's seldom the most sustainable.

Not to say it doesn't work, just trying to shit on your enthusiasm for insecticides. ;)
you can fester and roll in your shit as usual! :)
How hot was it in the day after when you sprayed? Did you follow the instructions, like shaking - keeping the oils mixed thouroughly? They will bounce back!
Lovepeppers said:
How hot was it in the day after when you sprayed? Did you follow the instructions, like shaking - keeping the oils mixed thouroughly? They will bounce back!
230pm. I followed instructions but it didn't specify a time of day.