chinense assam red bhut vs peach bhut & 7 pod brown

Hey everybody,
Last year I ate an assam bhut and found it to be the hottest pepper I ever ate. My question is how does a peach bhut compare heatwise with a red? Also, how does the 7 pod brown compare with the bhuts? If anyone has experience with these strains let me know as these are the chilis I will be eating soon.
Take care,
Peach bhuts are nowhere near as hot as the Assam Bhuts (also called Indian carbon). Brown 7-pot are hotter, if they truly are the Brown 7-pot. If they are 7-pot douglah, Ok, then still hotter! Of course, my heat tolerance may be different from yours. For me, there`s less than 3 or 4 pods are hotter than the Brown 7-pot. 
I`m talking average hotness. I`m sure an Assam Bhut at the very hottest it can be would overlap with the Brown 7-pot at some point.
I concur with Nigel. The peach bhut is not nearly as hot as the red, with the peach having a superior flavor. But most bhuts cannot compare to the heat of a Brown 7. Every brown 7 I've had has been in the upper echelon of pods in terms of heat. But that can vary, as Nigel said. Sometimes with less heat and sometimes with much more heat. If you want an example of the latter, check out my review thread for the Brown 7 in this same subforum.
 Thanks for the feedback. They should be 7 pod browns. I got my chilisfrom Judy at and she's pretty accurate. As far as my heat tolerance goes it is quite low compared to some of you. I am not the type of person that can pop jalapenos one after another like they are pickles. I will feel them. So, yes  7 pod browns looks like very tough chilis. Judy also sent me some yellow congos and Charleston cayennes which are obviously a lot milder. But holy crap Brian. I've watched some of your videos. You have one of the highest capsaicin tolerances on youtube. Impressive!
Lol, thanks! Sure hasn't felt that way lately though. I've been getting beat up quite a bit as of late. Tonight will be no exception. Taking on a Reaper fom Joyner's Hot Pepper Powders!
i  am having a lot of problem with peach bhuts, the plants have soft light green texture and fruit is none existent. the assams i grew gave large pods and had the typical bhut flavour, i chose to grow dorset naga as their replacement as they grew faster.
good luck on your growing.