auction AUCTION...SFRB of Yellow Trinidad Scorpion SR and Red Bhut

JUST picked these at 4:15. There are 10 Yellow Trinidad Scorpion SR and 10 Red Bhut.
I'll start the auction at $15.00. Auction will end tomorrow morning at 8:30a.m. Eastern when I leave to go to the post office. Good Luck!!!

And the price that wins will include shipping!! Sorry, forgot to mention that!
Would everyone rather have the Bhuts or Red Fatalii's?
Not enough room! haha I still have to put some padding/paper towels in the box to buffer them and soak up any moisture from the temp differences while in the mail. I'll be doing another box soon, so no worries. They'll be in there!
Wow! Um, anyone gonna go higher? Ridavid isn't messin around!
Make sure who ever the winner is to get me their info ASAP at 8:00a.m. tomorrow morning, that way I can get it mailed out. Make sure to pm me first so we can do the PayPal thingie, too!