• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

BigCedar's 2011/2012 GrowLog.

Hey Guys. I decided to start a growlog. I will include up to date pictures of whats going on now, My 40+ variety 250+seeds I'm starting this December indoors, And soon I'll post pictures of either me failing, or successfully keeping my current plants alive through the winter in my garage greenhouse.

You all from THP have given me so much advice and help that I figured I'd show what I'm doing here in the Pacific Northwest. show a few things, learn a few things, and hopefully teach some people a few things. The weathers quite a bit different than most of the places I see members posting from. Alot colder, alot wetter, and most of my harvest is in late October(around the same time the frost likes come back into town) but I'm tryin! Seein all the growlogs from the Midwest, the South, and Australia :shocked: Kinda made me wonder if I should even post my pictures lol. Anyway, Here goes nothin!

First Small Harvest, Cayennes, Long Slim Cayennes, And a Small Antallias Hab.

Cayenne Ring of Fire

Hot Lemon

Long Slim Cayenne

Serrano Del Sol

Regular Cayenne, Huge pod.

Thai Dragon

Scotch Bonnet

Goronong Hab

Antallias Hab
Great pics Brandon! All of a sudden my pods are ripening up too. The season is not lost, we just get one harvest this year. What a difference a warm sunny August and mostly sunny September makes. You have alot of excellent looking pods, what are you planning on doing with them? Congratulations.
Great growing, Brandon! It's so exciting to actually be able to HARVEST! I ended up (aka-- snagged! :lol: )some of your cayennes from the chilefest and we've been enjoying them.

Ya'know, if you squint your eyes and twist your head just so, you can almost see a T, an H and a P out of those chiles! ;) :lol:
Snagged for wallpaper
love the descending size. +15132168

That's great dude! I'm glad you liked em.
I'll be posting pictures like that for the rest of the year whenever I have a nice harvest.
I almost went to college for photography, but I was making good money doing what I'm doing now so I bailed, still love doing it as a hobby though.

Awesome plants and great looking pods. I might have to take a page from your book when I start growing. :)

Thanks man! Trust me, it came with alot of work. I've never had to work so hard for plants to produce they way they are around here. Anything for chiles though :D I'll be lookin forward to your first year growin peppers!
PS I still have you in mind for any extra plants I end up having.
From my calculations and depending on germination rates.. I'll have way too many. :D

Great pictures, thanks for the update! That Black Hab looks like a choco Fatalii :)

Thanks MF! I'll be posting alot more in the next few months.. wasn't much going on up until now but with winter coming and my overwinter op almost ready for a testdrive I'll be givin the Aussies grow logs a run for there money on picture posts :lol:

Great growing, Brandon! It's so exciting to actually be able to HARVEST! I ended up (aka-- snagged! :lol: )some of your cayennes from the chilefest and we've been enjoying them.

Ya'know, if you squint your eyes and twist your head just so, you can almost see a T, an H and a P out of those chiles! ;) :lol:

Thanks Ann! Glad they got some use, after seeing all the other peppers everyone brought I was wondering if bringing some was a bad idea. I have too many right now so I'm freezing ALOT of my pods. I want to refrain from using mexico chiles from my work this winter in my stews n soups :) I'm sure I'll have plenty of warmth this winter.
hope all is well with you!
Great pics Brandon! All of a sudden my pods are ripening up too. The season is not lost, we just get one harvest this year. What a difference a warm sunny August and mostly sunny September makes. You have alot of excellent looking pods, what are you planning on doing with them? Congratulations.

Hey Rich! I missed your reply on my multiquote..
I'm glad to here yours are ripening up too! Dude I'm with you.. Up until august hit I was anticipating a non existent harvest. They have SHOT up since and are ripening earlier than I thought. I see the rains on its way :( I'll be busting out the greenhouse cover soon and eventually the green-garage-house :D What am I planning on doing with all my pods? Well.. A few things. Taste testing for sure (which a few buddies of mine and I have already been doing) My tolerance has gone way up since :D I might even post a chile test video soon. Cooking with them when I get the chance of course and mostly, I'm freezing alot of them. I hate eating mexican chiles in the winter.. They really do suck compared to fresh pods. I ate one of my MINI orange habs and shortly after ate a huge mexican one.. The heat and flavor was 5times hotter and tastier with my mini. thanks for the reply :) Hope all is well with you.
I thought I would let everyone know about my recent light bulb purchase.. As some of you read I had a hard time finding anything at local stores when it comes to REAL lights that will produce quality results. So, I went online for a conclusion. I decided to buy 3 4ft 4tube T5 HighOutput Fixtures(HO T5's new to the market). All combined will produce 60,000++ lumens at least without any of my reflective walls. Here's the link..

I didn't buy from that company. Unfortunately. Same light though. Anyway. Here's the story.
I ordered 3 from Growsmart Indoor Gardening.. I literally had the worst online purchase experience I have ever had. It had been a little over a week and a half when I started calling them. I was repeatedly told they would talk to their distribution center to see when it would be shipped out and told the same thing 5 days in a row. I finally told them I'm cancelling my order. They called the next day and told me it was heading my way and asked me what I would do when it arrived. I told her I would refuse it. I was all done with this company.. SO. I was home ALL day my first day off.. My wife opens the window at 7PM and says.. Uh.. Why is there 3 huge boxes by our door?? I go outside.. sure enough. My shipment from them. Almost 3 weeks after I ordered. 2 days after I told them to cancel. They didn't even knock. So I called UPS and it is a huge hassle to return these items.. So now I will be calling them on monday to confirm I would rather just keep the items than go through the BS to return it. YES. they did win with this battle.. But atleast I can write reviews to all of you and anyone that googles their store. The items work. Infact with 1 fixture on it's like staring at the sun. It lit up my whole house when I plugged it in..

I will post pictures soon.. Anyway. Thanks for reading. It's been wayyyy to much of a hassle to get my overwinter operation under way. I'm really hoping it works.
Hey Brandon, glad to see you have started the indoor lighting setup. I know you have a lot of plants to deal with on the transfer to the indoors, but I would like to donate some of mine to the cause if you have room. PM or call me. I might have something you want or don't have and would love to see them keep on living. After all the time, money, and work that went into these guys, I will hate to see them go. My plans are to over-winter as many as possible, and the rest will be history. I am hoping to give some to Ryan (Laz) too.
Hey Brandon, glad to see you have started the indoor lighting setup. I know you have a lot of plants to deal with on the transfer to the indoors, but I would like to donate some of mine to the cause if you have room. PM or call me.==

Hell yeah I'll help you out Rich. A few of my plants ended up not doing so well (bad genetics I'm pretty sure) Everything else in the same soil, place, and same ferts is healthy and thriving so I have some space cleared up for some more plants. PM on it's way.
Hey Brandon, good looking out on the plant. Its much appreciated. If you need help with transfering I can donate some time, just my way of saying thanks. Plus I have some peppers coming to me from Buddha Bill and hopefully Cappy in the near future that I havn't tried yet. If your interested I can bring those for you to try, maybe do a trade with em. :)
Alright everyone. I finally got my garage greenhouse ready for my over winter operation :D I moved one of my 8X6 greenhouses into the garage. I covered it with a good 15 layers of frost cloth (a single cloth keeps plants alive outside at my work even with low teen temperatures) So I figured it'd be a good idea. I insulated the ground with cardboard produce boxes from my work, a good 12 layers. I covered that with a generic tarp. I taped the greenhouse to the garage floor so its air tight. I have 2 big fans in there for circulation. I also surrounded the greenhouse with emergency blankets for reflection. I know.. It's a bit on the ghetto side, but it seems promising :pray: . I will have a small spaceheater that will turn on when it goes below 40.
Picture Time.

My harvest a week ago. Clockwise from the bottom. Fatalii. Ring of fire. Serrano del sol. Scotch B. Long Slim Cayenne. Middle is a Black Habanero.

The Garage Grow House.

This is the door. I literally had to crawl to get in. It was alot hotter than the rest of the garage though :)

Lights OFF

Lights ON.. It really is like staring at the sun. :cool:


Since the rain came back in full force I decided to put the greenhouse cover back up. It might as well be a microwave BC my pods are ripening up by the day.


Antallias Carribean Habanero

Black Habanero

Jamaican Chocolate Habanero




My Girl already loves peppers :) she helps me water and pick pods. She's a real cutie :D


Thank you all for viewing :D
Nice Set-up Brandon. I'm thinking about doing something similar in our basement. And the pods are looking really yummy. Hopefully you can get enough to make a batch of something. Dried, or a sauce...

and Baby is just Too CUTE!
More great pictures bigC. Your pods are coming out fierce right now! Congrats

Thanks Aaron :D They taste just as fierce as they look! My friend and I couldn't speak for 5 minute after we ate a mature fatalli.

Nice set-up and cute kid!

Thanks Seth. I hope the set-up works! :pray:

Hey BC, nice job with the plants and pods this year,...and your camera skills are... "On Fire"

Thank you very much :) It's been a long time hobby of mine, now my chile addiction goes hand n hand with my photography :D

Nice Set-up Brandon. I'm thinking about doing something similar in our basement. And the pods are looking really yummy. Hopefully you can get enough to make a batch of something. Dried, or a sauce...

and Baby is just Too CUTE!

Thanks Ann :) I wish we had a basement. No room other than the garage unfortunately. Hopefully my space heaters wont raise my electricity bill too much lol. Speaking of making a batch of something.. You inspired me to make some flakes and powder. We all went out today and bought a dehydrator and a grinder :D

Hope all is well with you.
And all the rest of you :)
I decided to make flakes and power for the first time. I normally freeze everything. I love fataliis so much I figure why not make a flake or powder out of them. I bought a dehydrator and grinder today :D It's only a fifth of my fataliis so I figured why not. I'm also making a combo of long slim, cayenne, antallias red carribean hab flakes too :cool:


Nice jackpot of peppers Big C! Can't beleive your living up here in WA!
Great job! If you need to do something with those fataliis I know I guy that absolutley loves them. :)