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Bourbon sauce

Hello everyone. I'm looking for some ideas on creating a sweet and tangy bourbon sauce. I have never used  bourbon in my sauces before, so wanted to give this a go. Anyone have any "base" ideas or starter recipes they would like to share? I want this to be a little bit sweet, so maybe use honey, some tomatoes. Adding heat is no problem, I just need some help with the basics.
Thanks - 
If it we're me, a go to in a bourbon sauce would be bourbon, brown sugar, and honey.

The other parts of the sauce depend on what I'm using it for. Since you said sweet and tangy I'm guessing a BBQ type sauce. Which would definitely need tomatoes of some sort.
Or buy some honey bourbon. Great for chicken stirfry too. They sell it in small "airplane bottles" if you want to sample it first. Wild Turkey Honey is pretty freaking good. They got one with ghost pepper also.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Or buy some honey bourbon. Great for chicken stirfry too. They sell it in small "airplane bottles" if you want to sample it first. Wild Turkey Honey is pretty freaking good. They got one with ghost pepper also.
Oh yeah, love some wild turkey honey. I don't buy the airplane size, I go big! LOL
sirex said:
If it we're me, a go to in a bourbon sauce would be bourbon, brown sugar, and honey.

The other parts of the sauce depend on what I'm using it for. Since you said sweet and tangy I'm guessing a BBQ type sauce. Which would definitely need tomatoes of some sort.
I'm thinking molasses and honey, and tomatoes with the bourbon. Garlic is a must ....