Build a Box $15 SFRB's

Take your pick of peppers. Box will be as full as it can be without damaging peppers. Can fill several boxes.

Top left to right: Chaguanas, Bhut Orange Copenhagen, Choco TS x Butch T, Scotch Bonnet, Elongated Bubblegum (no caylx), Doughlah

Middle left to right: Bonda ma Jacques, Not Red Fatalii, Habanero Francescia, Reaper, Peach TS, Jay' Red Ghost Scorpion

Bottom left to right: Chocolate Habanero, Yellow Bhut, Bubblegum, Sweet Datil, Orange Teapot, Red Brainstrain, Jamacian Hot Chocolate

$15 via Paypal.  Some quantities limited, will update as necessary.

Bonus powder and seeds in every box.
