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overwintering Can I encourage this Cayenne to thrive over winter?


Trimmed it back last night, moved it to a really bright, south facing window and look what has appeared in less than 24 hrs :D :D :D

Its going to grow....... :dance: :dance:

dragonsfire said:
This is what I use, I have two of them, very bright full spectrum,plants love em and you dont have pink all over the place :)

Thanks, I'll keep a note of that one. :)
I have a daylight tube to bring on my seedlings, designed to encourage leaf growth in tropical tanks (I haven't kept tropical fish for a long time but the colour spectrum certainly helped bush out my tank plants), I'm hoping the boost from a window change might be enough for this one and the Habernero (It's also directly above a radiator which can only help)
That said, it's good to have a plan B ;)
lol, Im using power-glo lights in one of my tanks for some plants that I turned into a terrarium :)
Still have a 20 gal, my 55gal frame cracked a month ago.
I've got a 60 gallon still which is hardscaped for African Mbuna....no need for plants in there, hence the change of tubes ;)
Cichlid's are hard on the environment and other fish , never got into them, wanted salt tank but way to expensive.
Farlowella the most exotic I had Barbs and Corry I like.
It needs more light and probably more heat.
The coldest place in your house is right next to the window. Chiles are a warm climate plant.
Just an update - I can safely say that the Cayenne is trying...
This was taken this morning

Fingers crossed this is just the start of it bushing out. I'm feeding it a Nitrogen based plant food at the moment to help with leaf production. I'll switch to a more phosphate one once it has re-established
Jip, these plants want to live , it's up to us not to kill them . Easy on the water and nutes in winter.
Yup, keeping an eye on the soil....
I'm looking at a watering around the outside of the pot about once a fortnight at the moment with a half strength nutrient mix - seems to be working for this one and the little Habenero I'm teasing into life :)
It is definitely trying to survive........those new sprouts are a great sight.