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fermenting Chipotle Mash or Concentrate

I make a hot sauce using Chipotle mash but its seems like everyone is out of it and cant get it until October. I found concentrate on Amazon. I tried it and it doesn't quite taste and smell the same. Any help with a liable substitute for mash?? or can anyone help find chipotle mash without vinegar??
T-and-A-Sauces said:
LaPepper Exchange is out of stock and SmokingJ's have vinegar in it.....
So is MagicPlant is also out of stock.
Ugg. Guess you have to wait, October will soon be here.
Dried+water = mash...unless it is something like chipotle in adobo

Worth a try anyway. Try different powders as that could make all the difference.

Firehouse Pantry has some good chipotle powder. Good luck!
And sorry for the wrong turn on Tabasco, they don't use chipotle mash, they use their original mash + chipotle peppers. Good luck!
I ordered red jalapeno mash from LAPepper Exchange and I am going to smoke it in my smoker at home and I ordered dried Chipotle powder and I figured with the smoke that my smoker gives the regular mash and the addition of the dried it should give me the right flavor that I'm looking for. Any thoughts?
Depends on if your customers expect consistency or you are still experimenting or releasing different versions, if not, well, you could call it a special/limited edition, etc.