cloning Clone machine

Please post how it does. I had been looking at them for a while. I ended up making my own, but it's pretty ghetto. Any kind of tote with an overhanging lid is going to leak down the sides. There might be some that snap on really well, idk. For mine I added some weather stripping, and ratcheted down, but ended just putting it in a larger tote. I'm using the same pump as the clone king, and made a spray manifold that has the same sprayers, but I may have added too many, reducing the effectiveness for amount of pressure the pump has. Looks more like a sprinkler system than a mister. Have been running it for a little over a week, some cuttings are starting to show some bumps, and what looks like maybe roots forming. Also, I don't know if it helps, but I've read where a lot of folks say an interval repeat cycle timer is good to use. I've got one of those running too, 1 min on 5 min off.
Machine arrived today, one day early.

Pump and Misters:


Baskets and inserts:

Baskets and Inserts in the holding grid:

Pump and Misters in the Reservoir:

All together:

Tomorrow (Saturday); the cuttings and final setup, stay tuned...
Heckle said:
Looks pretty sweet.
For $70 ($85 shipped) on Amazon, I was not expecting much, but it is actually decent quality.
I looked around town in a couple of Hydro shops, but they were only selling EZ Clone brand machines, at $130.
Since I am only trying to preserve a few of the more interesting varieties I grew this year, and not being overly confident the seeds I saved are going to grow true next year, and I will basically only use it for a week or two until the cutting root, I believe this is a reasonable way to go. If I were propagating something else, where it would be in constant use, I would probably have splurged on a more expensive machine.
Cuttings in machine:
I am using a 10½ inch brooder clamp light with a 23W 6500K CFL for light source, 16/8 on/off.

I did three each of:
Yellow 7-Pot/King Naga/BrownLarge Scorpion cross
Caramel Madballz
King Naga short pod.
The instructions say it usually takes 5-7 days to get roots, and about two weeks before ready for transplant.
I will update as things progress
I think trimming matters more when you put cuttings into peat or the other little blocks that have a finite supply of water. These cuttings have constant water.
alkhall said:

How does that look?
Much better.

Heckle said:
I think trimming matters more when you put cuttings into peat or the other little blocks that have a finite supply of water. These cuttings have constant water.
Til roots have formed there needs to be a ballance. There is not enough uptake on a fresh cut to maintain lot of veg.
CAPCOM said:
Much better.

Til roots have formed there needs to be a ballance. There is not enough uptake on a fresh cut to maintain lot of veg.
ill tell that to the pepper bush i have in a cup of water on my windowsill
CAPCOM said:
Much better.

Til roots have formed there needs to be a ballance. There is not enough uptake on a fresh cut to maintain lot of veg.
exactly we dont want them photosynthesising so hard they dry up and die
not much light needed for same reason
i clone without any gear or gels just into soil and a plastic party shot glass
75% survival rate