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media Coco, How moist is too moist?

Hey there everyone, I just got some bih jolokia, naga morich, and 7pot seeds (thanks hippy seed!!) :hell: . Right now, I have them in Coco, growing in a seedling minigreenhouse with a heat mat and a very weak superthrive solution. I've had great germination rates in soil as well as the paper towel method before, but coco is new to me. I'm finding it hard to judge how moist is too moist for coco. Are there any good reference photos or rules of thumb you can point me to? Thanks a lot!

If you have adequate drainage in your container, coco can never get too moist. If you give it too much water the excess will simply run out the bottom. I'm using coco mixed with hydroton in a recirculating hydro system right now.

I really like using coco mixed with a bit of perlite for growing in pots( like probably 70-80percent coco). Straight coco is wonderful for starting seeds though.

By far my favorite medium, superioir to soil in every way possible.