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Coffea kona?

Has anyone here ever tried growing coffee trees?

I don't think I'm going to try it this year, and I don't think one or two plants will make more than a few pots of joe, but they look like very attractive plants, and it seems that the kona and catura varieties don't get as large as the arabica.
I tried germinating some Kona seeds/beans this year without any luck. I have a few left to try a different method next time.
It actually isn't that difficult a plant to grow for the sake of having the plant. But you need green beans that are unroasted. Aside from that they are similar in nature to growing bananas, the need a certain amount of sun per day and so on. Tropical style. Altitude and soil are huge players in so far as what the bean tastes like when roasted. I have read that people have done it. It usually involves a green house to help with making the conditions to create a good tasting bean. If you aren't within certain latitudes it's kind of difficult, but it can be done. There is a lot to take into consideration with the growing and then processing the beans once you have it going. Even with all the care, this does not ensure the greatest tasting coffee in the end. But you can bet you'd really appreciate it for sure. I've almost done it myself several times. I just don't have the time/love to give to a plant like that.

Keep a log of it if you give it a try and good luck if you do.