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container Container Bhut Jolokia Plant - Many Ripe Pods

That's right all around. 5 Gallon Homer Buckets. Tied to the railing because the branches were so heavy with pods that they would have laid down on the floor of my porch if I hadn't tied them. I overwintered three plants. Two did well, one looks weak but may recover. I have thirty plants in five gallon containers on my porch for this summer. They look great. I'll hook a couple pics on here.

Big Mike
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We finally had some sun and high 70's this past week in the Atlanta area. May have actually hit 80. Last year, my plants would have been double the size they are now. The temps aren't such a setback but they need sunshine! I hope it keeps coming now and I hope we all have fun this summer with our plants.

Big Mike
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Are those painted homer buckets? if so, what did you use? i would love to use my homer buckets but dont like theĀ orangeĀ bucketsĀ inĀ backĀ yard.