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Cool trick

MrArboc said:
Thanks, I got curious when you can buy hydrochloric acid in supermarkets but bone meal is considered toxic waste;)

Bone meal is OK as fertilizer in Sweden, but it's illegal to use it in animal feed becase of the mad cow disease.

Yesterday I've checked in Austrian ( Graz ) and Slovenian supermarkets and HCl is available in local Spar stores.
I'm not calling you a liar, but saying that it is available "in Europe" when it is available in parts of Europe is misleading.

Sorry, pet peeve of mine. I had a room mate when in the US who was from Yugoslavia when she moved in and former Yugoslavia when she was kicked out. She always talked about how things where done "in Europe" when she really should have said "in Serbia". No offence intended.
Isn't Austria (Graz) and Croatia in Europe?

So surely if the product is available in these countries, it's available in Europe?

If I visit Munich, can I return home and say I've been to Europe, or must I say I've been to part of Europe? ;)
huntsman said:
If I visit Munich, can I return home and say I've been to Europe, or must I say I've been to part of Europe? ;)

Why not say that you went to Munich if that is what you did? ;) Surely you would agree that Egypt and South Africa are two very different countries even though thay both are in Africa.
Heh heh - you really are a funny fellow :lol::lol: and intelligent enough to know that "If it walks like a duck...!"

Simply put, there are many correct ways of stating something. Simplicity is often best..;)
MrArboc said:
I'm not calling you a liar, but saying that it is available "in Europe" when it is available in parts of Europe is misleading.

I think that this would be a product that is commonly sold in all countries with hard water, since it's used to clean off calcium deposits. That is all european countries except Norway and Sweden. I guess we are the exceptions here :)