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Did a stupid thing yesterday

Imagine this if you will. I currently have Fataliis, Bhuts, and 7 Pods coming out of my ears. Consequently, I have been processing most of the peppers with a dehydrator. I've got a regular assembly line going (dehydrator, processor, then grinder). I've processed so many batches of fataliis, bhuts, 7pods and various other mixtures, that my coffee grinder had gradually become clogged, no matter how much I cleaned it. So, as I was cleaning out the grinder, I held the grinder closer to my face to blow out a stubborn clump of dried pepper residue, and you guessed it, right directly into my eyes the pepper powder went. I was literally blinded for nearly an hour. Thought my wife was going to have to take me to the emergency room. It seemed like the more I tried to flush my eyes, the worse it got. I even flushed my eyes with milk, which seemed to work a little better than the water. Lord, I never want to go through that ordeal again!!!
I feel you pain brother! I had an experience similar to that before. I luckily didn't get it in my eyes, but my whole face was on fire including my ears from the powder. I have since learned to take safety precautions and I take them seriously cause I just don't want to re-live that experience. :lol: Live and learn!
Just imagine someone spaying police spray into his mouth and saying it's hot but not spicy enough. You could do that now.
...I held the grinder closer to my face to blow out...

I physically winced when I read up to there, I knew what I was gonna read next but almost didn't want to, like when you see a guy about to get kicked in the jewels.
Well that's the most fun you can have with your clothes on.....:lol:

I hope you're alright mate.....It's never a fun thing to do.....
In your eyes? I couldn't even think up a worse pain. Hope you're alright.

I had some fellers over last night. The boys were drinking beer and I brought out the dried peppers. 7-pot was their choice of drunken fun. I warned, I really did but one particular fella did not heed the warning and ate half of a dried 7-pod. I felt sorry for him for 45 minutes while he turned white and drank about a gallon of milk. Told me later he thought he was going to pass out. Couldn't imagine it getting in your eyes.
OUCH! I once got a whole load of dehydrated builders lime in my eyes. That was bad but superhot chilli powder is just too much. You won't do that again though will you?
:shocked: That I am sure was a mistake that will never be done again.

lol, Had an experience with some powder that I thought was not fine enough.. Not thinking about anything & used compressed air to clean it... Coffee in the eyes, not half as bad i'm sure but OUCH it hurt for a good hour.

Can't even imagine pepper powder. :onfire:

I've gotten squirted in the eye with hab juice while chopping before, which hurt like fire. But, I think powder would be worse from the irritation alone...damn.
Badger said:
OUCH! I once got a whole load of dehydrated builders lime in my eyes. That was bad but superhot chilli powder is just too much. You won't do that again though will you?

Being a plasterer i've had lime in my eyes a few time and it burns a bit, but is defo easier to get rid off than chilli burn, i never use gloves but i tend to use one of them little cresent blades that you use for chopping herbs, but i somehow always get some on a finger and i'm forever touching and rubbing my eyes so i get got eyes quite often but to get ground up pods in there is on a different scale all together
Wow that must have been horrible. I used to eat Jalapenos a lot when little and learned the hard way not to clean stuff out of your eye after eating a few. I couldn't imagine the pain of getting powder in the eye!
I did the same thing the first time I used my coffee grinder. Bit of powder all around the inside bottom where I couldn't reach with a paper towel and brilliant me thought, heck just blow it out. I did close my eyes but all around my mouth and lips started smoking right after the blow.
burn baby burn

I still remember the pain I inflicted on myself 10 years ago being very cavalier while pickiling these very tasty red jalapenos I had purchased on Maxwell St. both hands burning like they were dipped in napalm and set on fire. I remember sticking those hands in the toilet looking for relief and then having to run out and buy a gallon of milk. for the next three hours I sat with each hand dipped in a large glass of milk. that sucked!
be careful folks, its no joke.
paulky_2000 said:
Time to buy a face shield!


Yeah man, I can't tell ya how many times I've been glad for my big 'ol geeky glasses...

Saved my butt a few times while cooking with hot stuff. Nothing scares ya quite like cutting up a big 7-pot and *squirt* a big sploosh of deadly juice hits dead center on my glasses from two feet away...THAT woulda hurt.