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Do all the peppers from the same plant taste the same?

I can't comment either way, most of my peppers go into sauces.... I would assume its entirely possible. I had 4 plants of the same type in different locations growing under different feeding/watering schedules and different light conditions and pods had sligthly different tastes and heat levels between the locations.... given that, it makes sense to me that pods setting, growing and ripening on the same plant at different times could have variations in flavor....
Yes, ripe vs. unripe vs. somewhere-in-between will have different flavor. But if you're comparing two pods at the same stage of ripeness, they should taste pretty much the same. "Weird" is a pretty subjective term, so I won't address that. However, if your pods have signs something isn't right, don't eat them. Unfortunately, sometimes taste is the first thing that tells us a fruit or veggie (or whatever) is starting to spoil, so if you suspect something's not right with a pod, don't swallow it.  Yes, it came off your plant, but pods can go bad while they're on a plant.
When I overwintered my Bhut last year the pod's flavour changed. But I chalk that up to changes in the plants growing environment.
Clearly pods that grow at different times can be very different due to environmental differences, but unless your plant is a chimera, they're all coming from the same genetic chemical factory.  That doesn't mean they can't be affected by little environmental differences---this one got less sun than the others because there was a leaf hanging over it, that one got a bug bite in its infancy and grew lopsided as it healed, and so on---but I have a hard time seeing how two pods from the same plant, with similar "life experiences", could be expected to come out significantly different.
its been mostly the same for me except this Trinidad perfune Im growing right now, I had ripe pods taste great with a super fruity aroma, but some just have no taste, even abit sour. So it might be possible the growing conditions might alter the taste.