• Start a personal food blog, or, start a community food thread for all.

Don't be fooled by imitators; THIS is Famous Passow Pizza Mongoose Ed.

That's right, there have been recent waves of imitators, but fear not! I have created a new monstor of a pizza to reasure the chile-heads of the world that Famous Passow Pizza is still around! So I give you....THE MONGOOSE PIZZA!!!


This has ground, cooked serloin and diced black olives. One side has plain tomato sauce with cheese that's covered with a thick dusting of Zesty Blend (this one has 14 different peppers inculding about 4 Jolokia pods that were harvested from a plant that was 10 years old in India).

The other half has CaJohn's newest sauce, Mongoose. This has Jolokia, Fatalii, AND 3 million SHU extract (which doesn't have a bitter tasted oddly enough) mixed into the tomato sauce.
imaguitargod said:
Well, the wings thing was never mentioned.....unless Defcon's coming and wants to do some wings. :hell:

Oh there WILL be wings. Maybe we can concoct some deathmatch sauce. I all of the ingredients but the zero. I'm not opening my zeros. Do you still have any IGG? I'm sure the Creator would love for us to honor him at the party.
JayT said:
Oh there WILL be wings. Maybe we can concoct some deathmatch sauce. I all of the ingredients but the zero. I'm not opening my zeros. Do you still have any IGG? I'm sure the Creator would love for us to honor him at the party.

I have a bottle of Batch #3 half full and open, wouldn't be enough. Last I saw he uses a bottle and a half/ two bottle of ZERO mixed in with DM MKII and Defcon 1 to make the Deathmatch Wings (well...that's what he did at the Weekend of Fire...of which I still need to mail him those pictures....)
Maybe if we sweettalk him and promise pics he'll agree to supply us with enough to do the deathmatch.

:crossing fingers: