Doubts on starting aeroponics or hydro.

Hello everyone,
I know I’m starting super late this year (AGAIN) but I started my peppers germination process last week using the paper towel method and still none has germinated. I’m panicking and I’m going to buy a heat mat after work today. To give a start boost I’m going to start them (once they germinate) in hydro or aeroponics until a few leaves open up. I’m still debating on which (DWC, kratky or low pressure aeroponics) is the one I’m going for, since I will be DIY everything. What’s your thoughts on my doubts?
The hydroponics is easy to do , as simple as a tot box, drill a few holes for net cups, an air stone and pump. Light is the only thing you need to have enough of.
dragonsfire said:
The hydroponics is easy to do , as simple as a tot box, drill a few holes for net cups, an air stone and pump. Light is the only thing you need to have enough of.
My doubts with hydro is that if I use kratky or DWC, if I have late germination, the roots of the seedlings won't get to the nutrient solution and die eventually since the more grown ups will drink enough to drop the solution level
You can start them in Kratky and fill the bottle so its covered then transfer to the tub. Wont take long for the roots to grow in the Kratky.
I would say go with Kratky.  All you need are net cups, rockwool cubes and containers.  Plus your nutes.
I started a Baquinho from seed in a rockwool cube.  When it sprouted, I placed the cube in a 3" net cup and put it in a wide mouth 1 quart mason jar with the water/nutes about 1/4" below the cube.  (I didnt want to take the chance of drowning the seedling)
Since the rockwool holds moisture really well, I didnt have to worry too much about the roots not being in the solution yet.  Every couple days or so I would jostle the jar a little so some solution would wet the rockwool cube and in no time there were roots dangling low enough to get their own nutes.  Once that happened the growth was pretty fast!  I don't think you can go wrong with Kratky.
On a side note, I still have the plant in our kitchen in a 3 gallon bucket now but have since added an air stone and pump.  We have harvested 2 crops of peppers off of it this winter.  I've had to prune it back twice and now it is blooming again.  
RafaelAmorim said:
My doubts with hydro is that if I use kratky or DWC, if I have late germination, the roots of the seedlings won't get to the nutrient solution and die eventually since the more grown ups will drink enough to drop the solution level
Do them in separate containers.  Wouldn't that eliminate your doubts?
The roots find the solution faster than you think they would. Even tiny seedlings stretch roots for several inches. You can add small amounts of solution to the tops until the roots find their way