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e-book readers are awesome!

Not only can I carry around tons of books on one single device or SD card, I packed up 99% of my dead tree books and put them in storage and freed up a metric buttload of space.

Anyone else have one?
I haven't read this much in quite a long time, it feels good to get back into that habit. Easy to read, I don't miss physical books at all.
heh, as a designer, i find e-book readers to be one of the scariest trends out there. typography and layout go out the door, and one book rarely looks different from all others.

plus i kinda love the feel of a book in my hands, and the possibility of glancing over, seeing someone reading one of my favorites and being able to approach them about it. basically, you can't tell what anyone's reading around you, and i've been known to gather reading suggestions that way in the subway.

but hey, whatever floats your boat. if it means you're reading more and providing you with more high quality entertainment, then it's definitely a net positive.
heh, as a designer, i find e-book readers to be one of the scariest trends out there. typography and layout go out the door, and one book rarely looks different from all others.

plus i kinda love the feel of a book in my hands, and the possibility of glancing over, seeing someone reading one of my favorites and being able to approach them about it. basically, you can't tell what anyone's reading around you, and i've been known to gather reading suggestions that way in the subway.

but hey, whatever floats your boat. if it means you're reading more and providing you with more high quality entertainment, then it's definitely a net positive.

That's about the only negative I can see, the death of the bookstore and the crushing hit the publishing industry is going to take. I'll still be buying the occasional book, I'm a sucker for signed first edition hardcovers from authors I like, and some other stuff just for the collectible/sentimental value stuff. There's also the books that just aren't available for them. I'd love to be able to buy a copy of Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs for my reader, but they're not available.

It's kind of interesting to think about how they'll change things and how the industry will have to adapt.
I have never used one but I definitely am interested. I am the opposite of Charles and actually don't like the "feel of a book in my hands."

Are you able to add notes in any form. I think that would be good for students of all ages. In college, I put sticky notes all over the place with my thoughts. It would be much easier if you could place a click-able star icon at the end of a sentence. You click the icon and bam, there are your notes.
the death of the bookstore

I don't think it will be the end of the "bookstore", they will just change how they do business. Here, Chapters typically has a Starbucks attached to it and it has become a social networking concept as people still want to interact with people outside the digital way.

The wife loaded some kind of e-reader application on our desktop and then downloads the ebook to her palm, well she did it for awhile, now the palm sits on our bookshelf. Now its ipod she is playing with and is back to buying paperbacks.

Why would anyone go to a bookstore when you can get free books at your public library? I take my girls to our local public library, every Friday afternoon at 1pm(here they only go to school half days on Fridays are home by noon), it's standing room only. You can get paperbacks, dvds, cds, audio mp3 books, magazines, foreign content(a lot of chinese and hindi books/movies), free internet if you bring your laptop/notebook or use one of their computers and if you can't get to the actual building, just log onto their website and download an ebook.

Knowing this is how our future is moving, this is where we need the very creative people to design how the books presentation should look. I was thinking of something similar to that this morning, whilst sipping my morning coffee, i was watching the food network on tv and man, the host was firing out the ingredients of what she was making, i couldn't keep up, why not change the presentation, much like a lot of youtube style videos, a box with the recipe listed, a box with cook preping the food, a space with nutrient table and how about fast facts on the health benefit of ingredients being added.

Just look how the local news has changed, ticker tape along the bottom of the screen with more news, a spot with current local weather, a space for the time, stock items, etc.
I have a 2nd gen Kindle. It has some mileage.

It's easier to read seeing as how I don't need to hold it open or move my hand to change pages. As a result, I'm reading more often.

I just wish Amazon would offer more books that had been released as economy paperbacks as they are normally sold $7.99 and cheaper where as the normal e-book is $9.99
I like the e-book concept for the space. and the trees that are not being cut down. I buy current authors books to support the men and women writing them, who are actually trying to make a living entertaining me in this old fashioned way (I know authors). I like e-books for the potential to get books no longer in print. I like the concept of e-books for text books, they could be downloadable per semester or year for the high school student, and forever available to the college student as reference texts later in lfe, without all of that weight. I collect old books and there are some that I will never get rid of, but there are books that I have gotten rid of for space reasons that I wish I still had- with an e-book I would not have to get rid of them. I do want them to figure out a way to incorporate cover art. I know artists who do cover art, and I like cover art. I'd also like some way that one could "take notes" as suggested above as well as that lovely blank "cover page" that you can have the author sign when you meet him/her in person.

I'm hoping to get one soon!
I have the $79 Kindle and have enough books to last a lifetime for it.
File sharing sites have a LOT of books although some are .pdf files which I hate on the Kindle.
sporting the iPad here...

I like it for reading... I'm a voracious reader, especially when I pick something new to read - a series, or even a learning adventure... I'll read everything i can get my hands on for months... SO this creates certain logistics problems for road trips, vacations, and so forth...

No longer!
Actually, I'm getting ready to go on a short trip... My uncle has a lake house, and we usually spend 4 or 5 days there for his birthday (Weds - we are going up thurs-mon or tues).
I love ebooks. I've been collecting books in digital format for years, but as .doc or .txt files long before epub or readers came out. I would just sit on the PC and read them that way. However the new readers like the nook are pretty cool, plus you can root them and use them just like any other tablet which is nice.