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water easy watering systems

a few have seen some of my weird and wonderfull ways of watering and as use mainly pots, here are some cheap simple ways to save water and time..

1st up the basic drip, all is is a container with a hose nipple, then get some hose or 13mm black pipe, and put some of them low pressure sprayers on the bottom of the pipe near the base of plant.. no need for low pressure, Gravity works and Free

this is the 10 ltr Bucket (were 85c each) and got a pack of 10 adjustable drippers $2



the other drip way is water spikes,, here are the Purple/blacks with some Tees and just Hose..

here is a Kit got from Kmart reduced to $10, they as can see can also be used for Ground, but any container with a hose nipple can do.

Was Like 43C and forgot to water a few the night before, so at bout 2 pm, this wasn't looking to well, picked up felt dry and was gonna Die.. Can't water heaps as will kill the leaves, Soo a bit of water to the roots and lets see if can help..


1 of these, easy simple.

Bit later.. all good

these are cool as they are adjustable

theres a few cheap and easy ways...
oh Pot temps are higher than soil Der as the Pots soak up the sun..

check out the temps the day was 44C But in the Pots Nope, I had to go out for a few Hrs as was freaking out that everything was going to Die and didn't want to kill by being kind..


and No you cant cook an egg on a Frying Pan on a tin of Paint in the sun when its taht hot the concrete burns (like that ad) as i tried that day and didn't work.
I saw those 2 liter bottle spikes and almost bought some last year. Won't the clear bottle heat the water though? Or does it flow in too fast for that?
The hose and barrel setup looks interesting too. Maybe add a shutoff valve for rainy days?
well here, Its that hot and they get that Dry in Pots that when Hose during 38 C days and they are limp due to the heat, they don't seem to like it and throw spits and sometimes 1/2 the leaves decide not to unlimp, havent tried this season as happened to a few last year, they may have been just stupid plants but not taking risks,

the waterdoes heat, but as the pots are like hot already the water is warmish so doesn't shock the rootsand works, the water from the tap can be that hot it burns

Today in Melbourne gonna Be 43C hottttt good luck
Ok, have mercy on the poor blond lady. I don't know if that is some rare Australian patois or Iggy's been sending you goodies from one of his experiments; but I don't understand what you're telling me.

Is what you're saying is that when the heat dries and wilts a pepper plant growing in a pot using water from a hose gives them too much water at once, and as a consequence some of the leaves are damaged, and some stay wilted? Or is it that the water in the hose is hot enough to cause damage to the plant, so you use a bottle of cooler water and the nozzle thingie to get it straight to the roots?

Sorry to be a pest, but we get extreme heat, too, and I certainly don't want to damage my container plants.
Plant pots are dark, absorb radiation in the sun and get hot.

Plastic watering bottles are clear, absorb little radiation in the sun and get much less hot.
Yeah, a black hose (or even green or white) will heat up to scalding temperature in direct summer sun here (FL). If the clear bottle sits long enough, it too will heat like a greenhouse with a magnifying effect, but the volume of water is larger compared to a hose so not as hot. I would probably wrap the 2L bottle with something (foil?) to keep it cooler if it takes all day to drain it - and keep a close eye on the temperature the first few times.

when i lived in drought areas we would use a 3ft lenght of sewer pipe (4/6 inches in diamater) buired 16 inches in the ground, then we filled with water
wetpots: That looks great, except for 2 things: price and shipping location.
It does give me some new ideas for a home made setup though. I've already got containers in ground with drain holes and some dirt and lava rock to filter dish water and slow absorption. Now to find the right kind of material for clean water... nerf footballs perhaps?? Or is it more like a porous ceramic?
willard3 said:
Plant pots are dark, absorb radiation in the sun and get hot.

Plastic watering bottles are clear, absorb little radiation in the sun and get much less hot.

Well, yeah, I know, I do live in the south, but it's not clear to me that's what he's talking about. If hot water from the hose is the problem, just run it in a bucket until it runs cool. Set the bucket in the shade and use it for watering something else later. It's what I do. If black pots are a problem, wrap them in something reflective.

On the occasions when a pot gets missed, or work and life force me to skip watering, I do get plants that wilt badly. Neil seemed to be saying that watering them heavily at that point would damage the leaves. Some of the leaves of a plant that wilts that badly usually *are* damaged, but I have always assumed it was from the wilt, not the rapid rehydration. I'm seeking clarification and edification.
gravity fed drip feed is good too, Neil those spike things on the barrel line, you got are ok but I find there little holes blocked so some plants didn'r get watered as well as others.I actually enlarged the holes with a drill to help stop this.

the wetpots are just basically a thin terracota water vessell I'm suprised no one knows a potter who could knock a heap up, it just requires a water tight inlet point the pot does the rest, would have to jimmy up a two peice mold probably would be cheaper than getting them sent over.
Was Like 43C and forgot to water a few the night before, so at bout 2 pm, this wasn't looking to well, picked up felt dry and was gonna Die.. Can't water heaps as will kill the leaves, Soo a bit of water to the roots and lets see if can help..

1 of these, easy simple.

Bit later.. all good

these are cool as they are adjustable

theres a few cheap and easy ways...


where did you get this aqua spikes?
Which online store do you suggest me?
Is there different qualities?
moomeen...check the date of this original post...this thread is oveer 3 years old...most of the members responeding are not active on the forum any more...
Well, first hit on a google search for "water spike soda bottle" brought up the spikes on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Master-Craft-Plant-Watering-Spikes/dp/B0037OEK0M Even though the thread is ancient, I'm glad it got dragged to the surface. Since I always have a few weeks in the summer when I struggle to keep plants tended due to work keeping me away from dawn to dusk, this gives me some good ideas for keeping them from getting thirsty in the midday sun and avoiding watering too late in the day, which leads to mold and rot.
moomeen...check the date of this original post...this thread is oveer 3 years old...most of the members responeding are not active on the forum any more...
True, but there is always new "hot-growers" with same problem -> watering in pots. :)

Well, first hit on a google search for "water spike soda bottle" brought up the spikes on Amazon. http://www.amazon.co...s/dp/B0037OEK0M Even though the thread is ancient, I'm glad it got dragged to the surface. Since I always have a few weeks in the summer when I struggle to keep plants tended due to work keeping me away from dawn to dusk, this gives me some good ideas for keeping them from getting thirsty in the midday sun and avoiding watering too late in the day, which leads to mold and rot.

Thanks a lot Mild Fire.
This Ammazon offer is much better then the other on for example: http://www.gardenersedge.com
The only question is: Is it he same quality? At least color is not. :)