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fermenting Ferment Done, ready for sauce making.... now what?

Hey guys, thanks to all the help I have received here I feel my ferment is done, and I am happy with the flavor.
It is a hot, somewhat smokey, and has a nice tang from the fermentation.
Now I am not sure what next to do.  My final goal is to have it bottled in 5oz woozy bottles, without reducers.  I want the sauce to be smooth, not necessarily thin, I am ok with it being thicker, but definitely want smooth.  I already removed the seeds before I processed the peppers, so it is really just the pepper's meat in the ferment.
How much vinegar should I ad?  I do enjoy the vinegory flavor of sauces like Tapatio and Franks.  I don't want to overwelm the flavors in the sauce though.  And I do want it to be stable and safe so should I use white vinegar, apple cider, etc?  I have read rice wine vinegar has lower acidity so can be less safe.
For processing, I do not have a food mill.  I have a standard blender, a stick blender (immersion blender? not sure the technical term), and a food processor.  Should I cook it down and blent it until smooth?  What about stabilizers?  I have read about xantham gum, is this the best?
Thanks so much for all the help everyone.
for that much sauc youll need about 3 cups of vinegar.  Heat it up with the vinegar, add salt to taste, adjust you seasonings, let cool a bit and hit it up in small batches in the blender. 
If it's fermented you shouldn't need vinegar to make it stable. Get something to check the ph and make sure it's below 4.

Just put it through the blender for awhile to smooth it out. You may want to cook it some to break down the cellular walls. So unless you just want it to taste more vinegary I wouldn't add anything to it.

But here's a plan. 1st cook it for 30 min. 2nd. taste 3rd. add a tbl. of vinegar at a time until it taste like you like it. 4. put it through the blender but don't burn out your motor. Check the consistency and blend more if not smooth enough.  my .02
Chris if you'd like 5oz woozys you can pour out your sauce into a stockpot, bring to a simmer, stick blend it real good and hot fill your bottles - simple and done.  Just as hot stuff said, you are already shelf stable because it's been fermented (check your ph to be safe).  Add vinegar and/or salt to taste, blend again and bottle.  
++ to what the others have said about pH and vinegar.  When the ferment is done correctly, the pH is at a safe level.  If you want to add vinegar for taste, that's a personal preference and completely up to you to make the sauce what YOU like!  That's the fun of making sauces!  It's what YOU like!  :)
For processing, I don't think the immersion blender will break the sauce down to the smooth consistency it sounds like you want.  Cook the sauce, then use the food processor or regular blender.  Be very careful if you are blendering the sauce while it's hot.   
Check out thrift stores for food mills. 
Have Fun!
chris5h said:
Thanks guys.
Any thoughts on regular blender vs. the stick blender?  Would the stick be powerful enough to get it smooth?
Stick blender alone might work for you Chris, try it once the sauce has cooked and see.  You can always put it in a food processor after if its still not the consistency you want.  Pics?   
In the stockpot

Up to temp, simmering
I added a little bit.  I did it too taste, it was about maybe 6 oz, i eye balled it and tasted it so not sure the axact amount.  I am really happy with the taste.  Although the color leaves a little to be desired,  lol
Final product, bottled:

I have away one woozy and one mason jar to some family members, and have some in a tupperware container that I am going to cook into some bbq and some wing sauce, but a dozen 5oz and 1 10oz woozy bottles, im pretty happy.
All in all, I am really happy with the final results.  I am keeping the 10oz bottles, and the 5oz bottles are xmas gifts for friends.  I am going to print some labels, and I have some shrink wrap for the bottles, but I am not going to mess with it on my bottle.
Thanks again everyone for the help and suggestions.  I love this site and cant wait for my next batch. 