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First attempt at making a sauce from scratch.

Just making a small batch of a tropical, almost pirate-esque themed sauce as an experiment.  Hopefully it will be sweet... although the extreme heat could make the sweetness unrecognizable.... as I say it is an experiment.

The Peppers:
Pineapple Aji
Yellow Scorpion
Mustard Habanero
Orange Habanero
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
Ingredients include:
Dark brown sugar
Jack Daniels
White vinegar
The ratios have not been determined yet... but I will disclose that when I post the results.
I plant to lightly roast the fruit and vegetable ingredients over hot coals before blending and pureeing.
PepperDaddy said:
Looks like it will be delicious.  Maybe rum is in order for a pirate theme.
Thank you.    Yeah I thought about that after the fact... but then I also think the bourbon will lend more toward the pungency that I am going for.
Buzz said:
Awesome ingredients list! Just a bit of advice, leave out the corn starch. Blend your solids first, then add the liquids until you get the desired consistency... Starch won't be needed.
Thanks.  I wasnt going to use it unless I felt like the sauce was too runny.
kentishman said:
That is a good idea for the pirate theme as well... unfortunately the only molasses I have right now is the stuff I use for my AACT.  I would be worried about cross-contamination. The dark brown sugar should be sufficiently rich.  (It sure smells like molasses.)
I will take into account all of these suggestions for a modified repeat experiment when the next round of yellow peppers come in.
If using fresh pineapple for sauce, or even to eat, a trick I have learned is to cut it up as usual and place it on a plate or bowl and cover with cling wrap. Then put it in the fridge for one to two days.

You'll find that this increases the sweetness and cuts down the "stinging mouth" feel also.

Shorerider said:
If using fresh pineapple for sauce, or even to eat, a trick I have learned is to cut it up as usual and place it on a plate or bowl and cover with cling wrap. Then put it in the fridge for one to two days.

You'll find that this increases the sweetness and cuts down the "stinging mouth" feel also.

You can also do this by grilling it and takes 1/10th the time :) 